The Progress from Clearfield, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PROGRESS, Clearfield, Curwensville, P'hllipsburg, Moshannon Valley, Tuesday, August 4, 1959 PAGE FlVt Man Who Couldn't Remember His Name Reaches His Home HAZLETON, Pa. (APi-A Unoccupied Launching (ll Approach Organization Enters Second Decade Of Man-Carrying Space Capsule Is Scheduled WASHINGTON A The who couldn't remember his name first man-carrying tjpe of space is back home in Philadelphia to- capsule is scheduled for launch- day, due to an alert andUmoccupied, next month How Strong 8s NATO? Editor's the At Tins Allied force confronts a the clock. It still has a Rebef Assn re today. News Briefs TAIPEI AP--Some 8,000 Chinese refugees from Red China are now stranded in Laos, the secretary-general of the Free China Sunday the delegation will support Docking for the nomination at least for two or three ballots. some mumbling in his sleep.

It will be sent Nurse Nancy Hughes of the Fla ileton State Hospital heard her amnesia patient mention a telephone number Sunday night It up by from Cape vehicle cr ber i calm-under-fiie called Big Joe. essentially a mod- spokesman ified Atlas mfercontrnental bal- fo cefl11 Broach to ls a deal i a i i a Organization bloc central Europe which teis its second decade iiist howiV.estern souices say has 1 2 mil- much ol a a i I i i men close to the borders of ot four on-the-spot re- the free world and a listic the Russians A wiry, lesourceful most of which is con- Soviet short range, reaching only to the Soviet border. But gaps in the net- been plugged. Once it took SHAPE commanders eight hours to reach a subor- San was the first clue to the identity! The conventional Atlas. 75 feet newspaper spearheaded an i a i of of the young rran who was found tall, climbs to altitides of air i a in the western By BEM I i and the satellites 'telephone system provides I -l 10 a novv I a dition.

thc Sonets are sard. 11 3 6 contact the Atlantic Treaty a be building large numbers of' A spidenveb of supply dumps TONAWANDA, N.Y. (AP) A 16-year-old water skiing champion Robert Klepfer, was killed Sunday when he crashed into the side dinate command. Now a radio and of a jump ramp in the Niagara July 25 sitting on the steps of the 1 hundred miles and delncrs its the NEW YORK A William Soviet Union by more than 70 U.S i ha- been looked upon intermediate the satellite local church warhead at speeds of more than i She found was a Philadelphia! 15.000 miles an hour over a ran "nTonly VTO Mneld con-itheir 1.500-mile T2 number Police in the city were of to 6 300 miles Russian-, bul also Iniasset! of ground troops i missiles in notified and they gave the nurse; 'S contrast, i use ruihed A a newsmen task of stemming any Soviet at-was west ot the S.S instructions: Ask-him if his vertically abouM20 miles, then bad te i ep lonr tempt to emm Europe quickly A into existence adequate cable communications The is thc retaliatory 'April 4, 1H49 as a military or- rnisundei.standiiiffs and striking power of the NATO launching sites for a 90-day stockpile ofjDavilo, 14, took a ride on a motor sword and shield of range M103 missiles and combat needs has come into be' About 2,000 miles of a pro- Jected 3,600 mile gas and oil pipe- scooter he found parked Sunday PRESENT FOR NEW DADDY LOCKPOUT, N.Y. (AP) Police had a unique present for a new baby: The father was excused from parking violations.

Officers said a car left overtime in a city parking lot bad this note undei a windshield wiper: "Had to to. New York City. My wife give birth. Will be back in four days. I will pay for use of meter." They did not ticket the car and owner at the end of thc four is Joseph Kallinger.

The question snapped Kallingen tilts at right angles downward and slightly back to reality. He identified him! self as a 22-year-old shoemaker and a fatner of three. His last recollection was leaving his home on July 2 to see a doctor about a ous condition. Kallinger's father, Joseph Si drove to Hazleton Sunday to bring his son home. He said he would be given treatment, probably at a Philadelphia hospital.

der down a slanted course through language noncooperation from Russian bu- clear or thermonuclear reaucrats And a touchy political- against the Soviet Union international situation well by manned a i a or missiles Dwight really began the arrival of Eisenhower, then a line now exists. All these developments, however urgently needed, do not in themselves defend central Europe, which is the heart of NATO. fno-star general, to assume corn- He did it mostly without raising Gcn a 01 Su re TM Headquarters, earth's thickening atmosphere The purpose: a maximum lest of the ablation or heat erosion of hls cc remaining quietly calm A 0's present even after days, and nights without once emphasized Europe necdi a i a i assignment: i a i freedom, common a i military hed Europe the outer space of the space capsule's nose Tne capsule atop the At- llas rn Big Joe is the same weight to 2,200 pounds--and will the same instiumentation ay5 sonality once much sleep ior a strong defensive shield by Klein. 41, is a wiry, that unless an aggres- blond with a slow-curling, i 0 a soon ia the Allies ous smile and a ready joke He i 3P acec i the impos- to Bloom's Pharmacy Second Street CLEARFIELD Phone PO 5-5564 a "generally calm" per-i i ta of separa tj ng the m- and pressurized compartment as so not aders from the i a as tar- the man-in-space capsule but will and to make a polnt cf not 1show Sets for nuclear weapons not have the environmental equip-) ll am a i unlcs At tho moment the shield types. safeguard heritage and civilization of the signatory nations L'pon his inspection tour Eisenhower found only seven skin- NEXT The Shield.

Priest Stricken While Saying Mass Dies Later in Hospital He had" li was removed by QM anonymous blocks when he collided with a car and was killed. NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) Pfc. James J. McNamara, 20, saw a woman standing by an apparently disabled car Sunday in East Rock Park.

He asked if he could help. She replied by pulling a pistol and robbing him of $150. ny divisions and an air force of about 400 planes, mostly piston- jment required to keep a man CHRISTIAN BUSINESS MEN'S COMMITTEE Western Pennsylvania Regional Conference August 7th and 8th West Indies Miss, Grounds Homer City, Pa. WHEN CONSIDERING YOUR BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK PHILIPSBURG WANT SHORTER NAME MILWAUKEE 'AP) A Milwaukee man and wife have asked court permission to legally change their name. They want to be called the Bores.

Mr. and Mrs skowski said that not only did oth er persons have difficulty with their name but their own five children couldn't pronounce it. have a reason for wanting it to a i thin and the sword, while. Meanwhile, the technology of jstill sharp, is losing some of itsjwarfare was undergoing a steady of I he guided rocket can carry WILMINGTON, Del. (AP)--The I home of the only Negro couple in the formerly all-white suburb of WILLIAMSPORT Pa A i -Collins Park has been hit by an The Alexander F.

Moriaritvj ex losion for the second time ta 48, stricken while saying mass at tha flve mon ths Our Lady of Lourdes'Roman Cath-l The latest explosion Sunday olrc Church in Montoursville. diedi buckled tH walls and tore a lar i show They re saying that Klein, editorj compared the i The age the San Diego 'Calif Union, and i ncrea singly modern and the ha i be Nixon's press mf)t Jorcos arraycc i against it. Each the MCC president makes it into A repor er ir of NATO warheads the White House indicates that as matters Klein's Russian mission has giv- now blancj Alhes possib iy en him further stature among collld muster 2 50,000 men on the George Borzv- ncwsmcn he fought hard Cm tam ueoige w. tsorzy thpm w)th h(s Russian counter-l, part, press officer A. V.

Popov, 'forces He even went to let First arrns Deputy Premier Fio! Kozlov tori In thc dawning age of atom- toting missiles and rockets, the need for armies to increase their mobility and dispersion likewise he mobilejincreased. The day of the foot sol- equipped with up-to-date immediately available air dier, fighting in mass, was end- HR The passing years, however, the lifting of a ban on films, to get' cen ra i Europe now con-1have seen some technical and log- has been broadcasting a daily sports program at Charleston, W. Wnst newsmen into closed off areas of RIS)S) som ewhere between 1,500 istical improvements the mili- area following a solemn Requiem'Kansas' delegation to the 1960 Siberia, to ease censorship and to' a 2 net arrcratt of all types, tary picture Mi Sunday night Divine Providence Hospital here. Death was attributed to a cerebral hemorrhage Father Monarity, a native of Scranton, became ill at mass Sunday morning, but he was able to complete the service. hole in the front of the $13,500 home of Mr.

and Mrs. George Rayfield. They were not at home at the time. WASHINGTON (AP) A number of Congressmen report they are being bombarded with peti- He was assigned as pastor of the'tions from teen-agers and small Montoursville church in June. He'fry to stop UK slaughter of Amer- previously served at St.

Mary's Church Wyalusing. ica's dwindling herds of wild mustangs for the manufacture of cat Funeral arrangements were in-'food. complete, but the body is expected to be returned to the Scranton GREAT BEND, Kan. (AP) Mass here Wednesday. this summer.

a ruckus television The A a i so a a classified: When NATO was born thr air- showing of tne Debate between apparently limited, missile craft detection radai operated 40 Khrushchev and Nixon at the S. mostly the short hoars a week. the radar 118 islands which are linked'date, says State Chairman Frank Democratic convention will sup- sport Gov. George Docking as a The canals ot Venice, Italy, skirt favorite son presidential candi- Lxnibit in MOSCOW From Battery To Brakes, We've Got What It Takes Batteries recharged fast Whatever needs doing about your car, we do it promptly and with precision at modest cost. WRECKER SERVICE WALTHER BROS.

GARAGE Pcnnzoll Repairs Weaver and Nichols Street Phone PO 5-4271 CLEARFIELD GO "OK" A FRED DIEHl'S Only the Finest in Used Cars and Trucks 58 Chev Delray 2 Dr. 58 Chev. Bel Air 4 D. HT 57 Chev. 210 2 Dr.

V-8 57 Ford V-8 Ranch Wag. 56 Buick Cen. 4 Dr. HT 56 Chev. Bel Air V-8 56 Chev.

210 4 Dr. V-8 P. G. 55 Chev. Bel Air 2 Dr.

V-8 55 Ford V-8 Station Wa. 54 Nash Custom 4 Dr. 53 Olds. 4 Dr. Hydrama 52 Chev.

Bel Air HT Cp. TRUCKS 58 Chev 2 T. Pickup 55 Ford Vi T. Panel a category work scans the i Curtain by more than 400 bridges. iTheis.

Theis said in an interview ClOROX BLEACH 20c Quart Bottle Gallon Bottle 59c You get a cleaner wash with CLOROX whitest and brightest Safest for health! 52 Ford 48 Ford T. Pickup Fred Diehl Motor, Inc. Bridge Street OPEN EVENINGS FIRE FIGHTING COWS CAYUTA, One hundred beef cattle ate guarding the Cotton-IIanlon Lumuer Mill from fire. Their ioh is to Keep gi ass I in pastures a i i i i i in a Mimmer The i has gronn fi om 20 in, 1943. le 43-billion dollar arm SIGHTLESS SCHOLAR MADISON, Wis a Coombs, graduate history student and instructor at the i i ol Wisconsin, has won a scholarship to conduct research a 1 King's College ot the I i of London.

Coombs is one ol the feu hind ever to i a I ul- i i a a The opposition au'ragnl 20 He dreams of being the greatest pitcher that ever was, when he grows up. He wants it more than anything else in the world. But he doesn't expect favors --just his fair chance. The kind of chance every American kid deserves. And he'll get it, if the American people have anything to say about it.

For they're backing the future of this youngster--and the millions of boys and girls like him--with almost 43 billion dollars. and USED CARS '56 Buick Super H. 1., fuliy equipped '54 Hudson Wasp 4 Overdrive '54 Rambler 4 Dr. Auto. Trans.

'53 Hudson Jet Heater Radio, Excellent '53 Plymouth H. T. Belvedere, Radio, Heater, Perfect Car '53 Chevrolet "210" 4 Auto. Radio Heater Butterworth Motor Co. 110 Walton St Dl 2-4060 Philipsburg That's how much Americans own in U.S.

Savings Bonds. I IIP.SP are the Bonds that help make sure there will iii' a future for our children--because they help America keep the peace How? Remomlxr, peace costs monpv Money for military strength, for erlu ration for a healthy economy And the U. Savings Bonds thc American pio- plr huv help provide this money Sure, they get good return on their investment Surr it's one of the easiest snd safest ways to devised. But ihat'i just part of thc reason The rest is in (lie hopes and dreams and of kids like this. That 4T billion dollars is a record--but it isn't enough How could it be--when the life of just one hild, you! child, is worth far more? The wax can help is clear Keep i i Bonds--and biiv as manv as von a From Rhone Motor Co.

Selection of Excellent USED Cars 1957 BUICK CENTURY 4 Door Sedan Dynaflow, Power Steering, Brakos, Radio and Heater. 1957 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF 4 Door Sedan Hydramatir, Power Steering. Brakes, Radio and Heater. 1957 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 2 Door Sedan Hydramatic. Radio and Heater.

1956 CHEVROLET 210 4 Door Sedan Radio and Heater. 1956 FORD FAIRLANE 4 Door Sedan Radio and Heater. 1956 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF 4 Door Sedan Radio and Heater. 1956 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 2 Door Hardtop Radio and Heater. 1955 BUICK SPECIAL 4 Door Hardtop 1954 BUICK CENTURY 4 Door Sedan Radio and Heater.

1954 HUDSON HORNET 4 Door Sedan Radio and Heater. i954 PONTIAC 4 Door Sedan Radio and Heater. 1953 PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan 1953 MERCURY 2 Door Hardtop 1953 BUICK 4 Door Sedan 1953 PONTIAC 4 Door Sedan 1952 MERCURY 2 Door Sedan 1952 WILLYS 2 Door Sedan 1951 FORD 2 Door Sedan RHONE MOTOR CO. BETTER BUY USED CARS SAVE SAVE SAVE On GOOD Clean One Owner CARS 7 Ford Fairlaiu 1 500 Victoria F. M.

Thunderbird Motor 6 Buick Ct-nturj H. T. (i Buick Ontar Station Wag. P.H., P.B Red White trim 5 Buick i H. T.

4 Buick 4 Dr. Dyf. 27,000 Mi. fi Chevrolet 6 cyl. P.

G. Lou Mileage Buick Sedan. S. lean 1 Buick Sdn Dr. Radio 4 i I Radio Buick (I T.

VI one 0 Sedan S1S5.00 1 Pontiac Sedan S27VOO Each Car is SAFETY CHECKED for You Buy With Confidence 1 Market St. PO 5-9664 CLEARFIELD urnph'te a i i i i a i Ross Buick SALES SERVICE I 313 Cherry Sf Cleorfield Phone PO 5-5555 BUYU.S. SAVINGSBONDS HELP SIRENGTHEil MflBICA'S PEACE POIVER I I nt jot tlii', wti moment Thc reality Drpartrnent thanks, for their patriotic donation, The Advertising Council and ill i II 1 i LJ.

The Progress from Clearfield, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.