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Linköping University Medical Dissertations No. 1187

Staphylococci and Enterococci Studies on activity of antimicrobial agents and detection of genes involved in biofilm formation

Carina Claesson

Division of Clinical Microbiology Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences Linköping University, Sweden

Linköping 2010

© Carina Claesson All previously published papers reprinted with permission from the publishers. ISBN 978-91-7393-353-7 ISSN 0345-0082 Printed by LiU-Tryck, Linköping, Sweden 2010

To Matts, Matilda and Lovisa with all my love

Abstract The Gram-positive cocci, Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS), Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, are the bacteria most often isolated from patients with hospital acquired infections. S. aureus is one of the most important pathogens and have a variety of virulence mechanisms which help it to infect the patient and cause tissue damage. CoNS and enterococci are low virulent bacteria and predominantly cause infections in individuals with underlying illness, individuals that have undergone surgery or with suppressed immune-system. The aims of this thesis were i) to investigate the susceptibility to different antimicrobial agents among S. aureus, CoNS, E. faecium and E. faecalis isolates from primary care centres, general hospital wards and intensive care units in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden and ii) to study the prevalence of the cytolysin genes and genes involved in biofilm formation among CoNS, E. faecium and E. faecalis. The results in this thesis show that the resistance rates among S. aureus and E. faecalis is still rather low in the north European countries. Among CoNS and E. faecium resistance rates are higher and comparable with rates in other European countries and US. CoNS had statistically significant differences in susceptibility rates between the ward levels with the lower susceptibility rates found at ICUs. Continued surveillance of resistance rates to antimicrobial agents among both staphylococci and enterococci are important internationally, nationally and locally. The results in this thesis also show that all multidrug resistant and 96% of the susceptible CoNS isolates carried at least one of the atlE and aap genes or the ica operon. Among E. faecalis isolates with HLGR, belonging to a cluster of genetically related isolates, both the esp and asa1 genes were carried in a high degree while the cyl operon was less frequently found. In addition, about 30% of unique E. faecalis isolates carried two or more of the virulence genes. Among E. faecium isolates the esp gene was common but asa1 and the cyl operon was not found in any of the isolates. Both CoNS and E. faecalis isolates from hospitalised patients are well equipped with genes involved in biofilm formation. These genes, when expressed and even more in combination with resistance to antimicrobial agents, might give these isolates an advantage compared to other isolates when it comes to adhesion to artificial surfaces, persistence in the hospital environment, colonisation of hospitalised patients and to cause nosocomial infections. Further studies are needed to be able to determine which isolates that causes hospital acquired infections and to evaluate the importance of the genes involved in biofilm formation as virulence factors and about how to prevent biofilm related infections from emerging.

Table of contents List of papers .................................................................................................... 9 Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 10 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 11 Staphylococci ................................................................................................................ 11 Enterococci ................................................................................................................... 12 Antimicrobial susceptibility testing ............................................................................ 14 Antimicrobial resistance .............................................................................................. 16 Antimicrobial agents .................................................................................................... 17 Beta-lactam antibiotics ............................................................................................. 17 Glycopeptides ............................................................................................................ 18 Quinolones ................................................................................................................ 19 Rifamycins ................................................................................................................. 20 Folic acid antagonists ............................................................................................... 20 Fusidic acid ................................................................................................................ 21 Lincosamides ............................................................................................................. 21 Aminoglycosides ....................................................................................................... 22 Glycylcyclines ............................................................................................................ 22 Oxazolididone ........................................................................................................... 23 Virulence mechanisms of S. epidermidis ...................................................................... 23 Virulence mechanisms of E. faecalis and E. faecium................................................... 25 Phenotypic identification to the species level ........................................................... 27 Genotypic identification to the species level ............................................................ 28 Molecular methods ....................................................................................................... 29 Aims ................................................................................................................ 32 Materials and Methods ................................................................................... 33 Study design and bacterial isolates ............................................................................. 33 Antimicrobial susceptibility testing ............................................................................ 34 Storage and handling of bacterial isolates ................................................................. 36 DNA extraction ............................................................................................................ 37

DNA amplification and primers................................................................................. 37 PCR amplicon sequencing .......................................................................................... 40 Phenotypic methods .................................................................................................... 42 Statistical methods ........................................................................................................ 43 Results and Discussion .................................................................................. 45 Antimicrobial susceptibility of staphylococci ........................................................... 45 Antimicrobial susceptibility of enterococci ............................................................... 52 rpoB amplicon sequencing of CoNS isolates ............................................................. 56 Presence of the atlE and aap genes and the ica operon in S. epidermidis ................. 58 Presence of the asa1 gene in enterococci .................................................................. 63 Presence of the cyl operon and cytolysin production in enterococci ..................... 63 Presence of the esp gene in enterococci and adhesion to urinary catheters .......... 67 In conclusion ................................................................................................................ 69 Acknowledgements - Tack .............................................................................. 71 References ....................................................................................................... 73

List of papers This thesis is based on the following original papers, which will be referred to in the text by their Roman numerals. I.

Claesson C., Hällgren A., Nilsson M., Svensson E., Hanberger H., Nilsson L.E. and the SCOPE study group (2007). Susceptibility of staphylococci and enterococci to antimicrobial agents at different ward levels in four north European countries. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 39: 1002-12.


Claesson C., Nilsson L.E., Kronvall G., Walder M. and Sörberg M. (2009). Antimicrobial activity of tigecycline and comparative agents against clinical isolates of staphylococci and enterococci from ICUs and general hospital wards at three Swedish university hospitals. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 41: 171-81.


Claesson C., Monstein H-J. and Nilsson L.E. (2010). Molecular typing and detection of the aap, atlE genes and ica operon in multidrug resistant and susceptible coagulase negative staphylococci. Manuscript


Hällgren A., Claesson C., Saeedi B., Monstein H-J., Hanberger H. and Nilsson L.E. (2009). Molecular detection of aggregation substance, enterococcal surface protein, and cytolysin genes and in vitro adhesion to urinary catheters of Enterococcus faecalis and E. faecium of clinical origin. International Journal of Medical Microbiology. 299: 323-32.




The nucleotide adenine Accumulation associated protein Aggregation substance The American Type Culture Collection Autolysin E Adenosine triphosphate The nucleotide cytosine Culture Collection University of Göteborg Coagulase negative staphylococci Cytolysin operon Deoxyribonucleic acid European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System Enterococcal surface protein European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing The nucleotide guanine General hospital wards Heterogeneously glycopeptide intermediate staphylococci High-level gentamicin resistance Intermediate Intracellular adhesion operon Intensive care units Multidrug resistant Minimal inhibitory concentration Methicillin resistant S. aureus Protein binding protein Primary care centres Polymerase chain reaction Pulse-field gel electrophoresis Polysaccharide intracellular adhesin Resistant Ribonucleic acid gene encoding the β-subunit of the RNA polymerase Susceptible Swedish Reference Group for Antibiotics The nucleotide thymine Trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole Vancomycin resistant enterococci Vancomycin resistant S. aureus

Introduction Staphylococci The Genus Staphylococcus consist of more than 40 species and subspecies [1]. Staphylococci are Gram-positive cocci that got its name from the Greek word “staphyle” that mean grape cluster because of their tendency to divide in more than one plane and form cell clusters when they are growing [2]. Staphylococci are 0.5 to 1.5 µm in diameter, facultative anaerobic, catalase-positive, oxidase-negative, and have peptidoglycan and teichoic acid in their cell wall [1]. Staphylococci are relatively tolerant to drying and high salt concentrations. The Staphylococci are divided in two groups, coagulase-positive and coagulase-negative, depending on their ability to clot or coagulate plasma. The coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus remains one of the most important pathogens both in the hospital setting and in the community [2]. S. aureus has a variety of virulence mechanisms which help it to infect the patient, cause tissue damage and escape the immune defence. For example, S. aureus express different microbiological surface components recognising adhesive matrix molecules, so-called MSCRAMMs, that help the bacteria to bind blood proteins, antibodies and different extracellular proteins such as fibrinogen, fibronectin and collagen [2]. The MSCRAMMs can be used by the bacteria to coat itself with human materials and thereby escape from being discovered by the human immune defence. Furthermore, the MSCRAMMs can also mediate adhesion to human tissue, plastics and other medical devices. A biofilm-associated protein (Bap) has also been found among S. aureus isolates and has been shown to be involved in adhesion and biofilm formation [3]. Using these virulence factors S. aureus cause a variety of infections ranging from minor skin infections to serious conditions such as osteomyelitis, central nervous system infections, bacteremia and infective endocarditis [4]. S. aureus also produce several different toxins, for example, the toxic shock syndrome toxin, staphylococcal enterotoxin, exfoliative-toxin, alphatoxin and leukocidin [2] that causes toxin-induced syndromes such as bullous impetigo, food poisoning, scalded skin syndrome and toxic shock syndrome [4]. However, about 30% of the population is stably colonised with S. aureus and as many as 30-50% of the population may have transient colonisation of the bacteria in the nares, axilla, perineum or vagin* [4].


Coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) are inhabitants of the skin and mucous membranes of humans and represent a major part of the normal aerobic flora [5]. Each species of the CoNS has a predominance of specific parts of the body [6]. Several species of the CoNS group, S. epidermidis, S. capitis, S. hominis, S. haemolyticus, S. saccharolyticus, S. warneri, S. lugdunensis, S. saprophyticus and S. cohnii, have been characterised as residents of the human body. Despite the fact that CoNS are part of the human normal flora they, and Staphylococcus epidermidis in particular, are among the five most frequently reported pathogens in hospitals [5]. CoNS are known as opportunistic pathogens since they predominantly cause infections in immuno-compromised individuals such as premature newborns, patients receiving immune-suppressive therapy and drug abusers [6]. In otherwise healthy patients, CoNS only cause infections after penetration of the skin or mucous membranes, which can occur by trauma, surgery and by implantation of medical devises [6]. CoNS are low-virulent, as compared to S. aureus, and aside from beta and gamma toxins, other toxins have not been found in the genome of the S. epidermidis ATCC 12228 strain [7]. The most important virulence factor of the S. epidermidis isolates is their ability to adhere, aggregate and form multilayered biofilms, embedded in an extracellular matrix, on catheters, shunts, prosthesis and on other types of medical devices used in hospital settings [6]. Due to lack of toxins and aggressive virulence factors, CoNS usually cause sub-acute or even chronic infections without fulminate signs of infections [5].

Enterococci In 1984, Streptococcus faecalis and Streptococcus faecium were split from the genus Streptococcus and formed a new genus Enterococcus. The two streptococcal species were renamed to Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium. Since then at least another 20 species have been included in the genus Enterococcus [8]. Enterococci are catalase-negative, esculin-positive, and Gram-positive cocci that occur singly, in pairs or as short chains. Enterococci can tend to be coccobacillary if the Gramstain is prepared from agar cultures but tend to be ovoid and in small chains when prepared from broth cultures [8]. Enterococci are facultative anaerobs with an optimal growth temperature of 35°C but can grow at 10-45°C, in media with high salt concentration and in environments with a broad pH spectrum [8]. Enterococci are used in the fermentation of foods and can be found in soil, on plants and in water. In water, enterococci are generally considered as faecal contaminants, since enterococci are a natural part of the intestinal flora in most mammals and birds [8].


Enterococci can in addition to faeces also be isolated from vagin*l, oral and skin specimens from humans [9]. Enterococci are well suited for inhabiting the human intestinal tract and for the most part exists as commensals in harmony with the host as well as with the coresident flora [10]. At some points the enterococci can take advantage of a weakened host immune system, an antimicrobial agent that kills other members of the normal flora, an injured host or the enterococci itself develop traits that make it possible for it to occupy new niches. All of these events disturb the normal hostcommensal relationship and the enterococci might overcome host defences and translocate from the intestinal lumen into the bloodstream or to other parts of the human body. There the enterococci can cause an infection which eventually lead to further spread of the bacteria [11]. E. faecalis has been accounted for most of the enterococcal infections in humans, usually representing about 90% of clinical isolates. E. faecium has been detected much less frequently but has nevertheless been of significance because of high incidence of resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents [8]. However, E. faecium infections has increased among hospitalised patients were they can account for 20-30% of the infections [12-14]. Other enterococcal species that may be isolated from human infections are E. avium, E. casseliflavus, E. durans, E. gallinarum, E. hirae, E. maldoratus, E. mundtii, E. pseudoavium, E. raffinosus and E. solitaries [8]. Enterococcal species now rank among the leading causes of nosocomial infections of humans [8]. Enterococci are a common cause of bacteremia, surgical wound infections, urinary tract infections, endocarditis and infections associated with urinary or intravenous catheters and other medical devises [8, 11]. Aside from subacute endocarditis, most other enterococcal diseases occur in patients with underlying illness or suppressed immune system [15]. The most prominent of the enterococcal virulence determinants are the surface adhesins, for example, EfaA [16], enterococcal surface protein (Esp), and MSCRAMMs for example aggregation substance (AS) and adhesin of collagen from enterococci (Ace) [17]. Other virulence factors are the secreted toxin cytolysin, secreted proteases, gelatinases and serine protease, enterococcal capsule, cell wall polysaccharides and extracellular superoxide [10]. Among E. faecium, the virulence factors usually are absent, or not yet discovered, which makes antibiotic resistance the main factor that seems to play a role in the pathogenesis of E. faecium infections [18].


Antimicrobial susceptibility testing Breakpoints Seven different sets of antimicrobial breakpoints are used in Europe. There are six active European National Breakpoint Committees: BSAC (UK), CA-SFM (France), CRG (The Netherlands), DIN (Germany), NWGA (Norway) and SRGA (Sweden). Since many of the other countries, in the absence of a national system, subscribe to breakpoints published by the CLSI, USA, the divergence in interpretation of the zone diameters and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values to susceptible (S), intermediate (I) or resistance (R) have been prominent. Since both breakpoints and the methods, and therby also the zone diameters, have differed between countries it has been hard to compare resistance rates between different countries if the MIC values have not been published. To achieve harmonisation of antimicrobial testing methods used and antimicrobial breakpoints, the six national committees have now organised themselves in the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST), (http://www.eucast.org). The Swedish reference group for antibiotics (SRGA) and the EUCAST, provide clinical breakpoints for both the disc diffusion method and for MIC determination. Clinical breakpoints are set according to the MIC distribution of isolates belonging to a specific species, dose-effect relationships obtained from in vitro studies, animal studies and human studies, and clinical data relating outcome to MIC data (www.eucast.org). A microorganism is defined as clinically susceptible when the MIC of the organism is below a level of antimicrobial agent activity that is associated with a high likelihood of therapeutic success. A microorganism is defined as clinically intermediate by a level of antimicrobial agent activity associated with uncertain therapeutic effect. It implies that an infection due to the isolate may be appropriately treated in body sites where the drugs are physically concentrated or when a high dosage of drug can be used. A microorganism is defined as resistant by a level of antimicrobial activity associated with a high likelihood of therapeutic failure. MIC breakpoints are given as for example, S ≤ 2 mg/L and R > 8 mg/L, which means that a bacterial isolate is susceptible to that specific antimicrobial agent when the MIC is less or the same as 2 mg/L, intermediate if the MIC is 4 to 8 mg/L and resistant if the MIC is more than 8 mg/L. Zone diameter breakpoints for the disc diffusion method is given as for example S ≥ 20 mm and R < 10 mm which means that a bacterial isolate is susceptible if the zone diameter is 20 mm or more,


intermediate if the zone diameter is between 10-19 mm, and resistant if the zone diameter is less than 10 mm.

Susceptibility testing with disc diffusion and Etest Most of the clinical microbiology laboratories in Sweden use the disc diffusion method to determine susceptibility of fast growing bacteria to a specific antimicrobial agent. At the point of time when the studies of antimicrobial resistance in Paper I and II were performed the disc diffusion method was performed according to SRGA, (http://www.srga.org). An agar plate was inoculated with a bacterial suspension of 1x106 bacteria per mL, for the staphylococci and enterococci. The discs containing a specific amount of the antimicrobial agent was placed on the agar and the plate was left in room temperature for at least 30 min to enable the diffusion of the antimicrobial agent through the agar before the bacteria started to grow. Thereafter the agar plates were incubated for 18 to 20 h in 36°C. After incubation the diameter of the zone around the disc where no bacteria were able to grow was measured. Since January 2010 the disc diffusion method at our clinical laboratory in Linköping, Sweden is performed according to EUCAST, (www.eucast.org). In brief, for enterococci and staphylococci, Mueller Hinton agar plates are inoculated with a 0.5 McFarland bacterial suspensions corresponding to ≈1x108 bacteria per mL, the discs containing antimicrobial agents are placed on the plate within 15 min and thereafter the plates are placed in the incubator within 15 min and are incubated for 18 to 20 h in 35°C. After incubation the diameter of the zone around the disc where no bacteria are able to grow is measured. Etest is a commercially available product for the determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of an antibiotic for a specific bacterial isolate (AB Biodisk, Solna, Sweden (now Biomerieux)). The antimicrobial agent in question has been applied on the backside of a plastic strip in such a way that a predefined concentration gradient, most commonly 0,016 - 256 mg/L, is achieved. The strip is placed on an agar plate inoculated with a bacterial suspension of 0.5 McFarland (≈1x108). After placement of the strip the agar plate is placed in the incubator immediately. For staphylococci and enterococci the agar plate is incubated for 18 to 24 h in 35°C and after incubation the MIC, expressed as mg/L, is determined by reading the lowest concentration on the Etest strip at which the bacteria is not able to grow (www.srga.org). The MIC should be read at 100% inhibition for a


bactericidal (an agent that kills the bacteria) and at 90% inhibition for a bacteriostatic (an agent that inhibits the growth of the bacteria) antimicrobial agent (http://www.abbiodisk.com). To find staphylococcal isolates containing subpopulations with reduced susceptibility to glycopeptide the Macromethod (Etest application sheet EAS 003, www.abbiodisk.com) can be used. In brief 100 µL of a 2 McFarland bacterial suspension, corresponding to 4x108 bacteria per mL, is inoculated on the plates to be able to find subpopulations of glycopeptide intermediate staphylococci. Thereafter a vancomycin and a teicoplanin Etest strip are placed on the agar plate. After 48 h incubation the MIC for the two glycopeptides are read as described above.

Antimicrobial resistance Antimicrobial resistance in staphylococci and enterococci is a growing problem worldwide. Seriously ill patients admitted to intensive care units are highly susceptible to infections and are exposed to high antibiotic pressure [19]. Consequently, strategies for the prevention of emerging resistance have mainly focused on intensive care units and other hospital wards [20]. In spite of these efforts, new cases of resistant Gram-positive cocci are reported from many hospitals [14, 21, 22]. Several studies has also reported high and increasing rates of resistance to antimicrobial agents among Gram-positive cocci isolated from outpatients [14, 20, 22-24]. Antibiotic resistance can be divided into intrinsic or inherent and acquired resistance. Intrinsic resistance can be regarded as a species characteristic present in most strains of a particular species. For example, enterococci have intrinsically reduced susceptibility to penicillins and aminopenicillins, resistance to cephalosporins, low-level lincosamide resistance and low-level resistance to aminoglycosides [10, 18]. The genes for this type of resistance are usually carried on the chromosome while acquired resistance is the result of mutations in the existing DNA or acquisition of new DNA from other bacteria [8].


Antimicrobial agents Beta-lactam antibiotics Beta-lactam antibiotics are a group of antimicrobial agents with a beta-lactam ring in their molecule which is the cause of the molecules antimicrobial effect. Since the introduction of penicillin in the 1940s the beta-lactam group has been expanded and now includes penicillins, cefalosporins, monobactams and carbapenems. The beta-lactam antibiotics must bind to specific target proteins so called penicillin binding proteins (PBP) located in the cytoplasmic membrane to exert their inhibitory effect [25]. The enzymatic function of these PBPs is essential in cell wall peptidoglycan synthesis. The beta-lactam antibiotics exert their bactericidal effect by inhibition of these enzymes. Resistance toward beta-lactam antibiotics can be due to beta-lactamase production or altered PBPs [25, 26]. Methicillin was introduced in the early 1960s to combat hospital strains of pencillinase producing S. aureus [26]. Oxacillin and methicillin are modified penicillin effective against staphylococci. These penicillins have a bulky 6´phenylacetyl group that sterically hinder attack on the beta-lactam ring which make these compounds stable against the beta-lactamase or pencillinase enzymes produced by staphylococci [27]. Resistance towards these antimicrobial agents is due to aquisation of the mecA gene, that encodes a different PBP the PBP2a, that confers low affinity for beta-lactam antibiotics and therby beta-lactam resistance [26]. The mecA gene is carried on a large mobile genetic element called the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec), [27]. In addition to mecA these genetic elements may also contain integrated plasmids and tranposons conferring resistance to other classes of antimicrobial agents [26]. Ampicillin is a semisynthetic aminopenicillin with good activity against many Gram-positive cocci including E. faecalis and some gram-negative such as Haemophilus influenzae (www.srga.org). The effect of ampicillin is lost when the bacteria produce beta-lactamase enzymes. Some E. faecalis isolates produce a betalactamase that is identical to the staphylococcal type A beta-lactamase encoded by the blaZ gene [8]. However, since beta-lactamase production is rare in enterococci [26] their low susceptibility to beta-lactam antibiotics usually results from the presence of intrinsically low-affinity PBPs, the PBP5 [28, 29]. High-level ampicillin resistance in E. faecium strains is due to overproduction of the low-affinity PBP5 [28, 29]. Piperacillin, a penicillin, is combined with the beta-lactamase inhibitor tazobactam which results in the piperacillin/tazobactam that are stable against beta-


lactamase producing bacteria. Piperacillin/tazobactam is active against streptococci, E. faecalis, staphylococci and gram-negative bacteria [30]. Imipenem was the first carbapenem antibiotic selected for development [31]. As other beta-lactam antibiotics imipenem inhibits cell wall synthesis by binding to and inactivate relevant PBPs. Imipenem has activity against staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, E. faecalis and Gram-negative bacteria (www.srga.org). Imipenem is stable to hydrolysis against by most serine beta-lactamases except for the rare group of 2f carbapenem-hydrolysing enzymes. Resistance mechanisms are production of metallobeta-lactamases, found among gram-negative bacteria, and modification of the target PBPs, such as production of PBP2a that confer resistance to all betalactam antibiotics including carbapenems [31]. Resistance to imipenem among E. faecium is caused by mutations in PBP5 or overproduction of PBP5 [32].

Glycopeptides Glycopeptide antibiotics consist of a peptide ring to which several sugars are covalently linked. The large size of this molecule prevents penetration through the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. This limits the therapeutic use of glycopeptides to infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria [33]. Two naturally produced glycopeptides antibiotics are in use, vancomycin and teicoplanin, which inhibit a broad range of Gram-positive bacteria, including staphylococci and enterococci [34]. The main target of both of these antibiotics is the C-terminal Dalanyl-D-alanine ending of the enterococcal and staphylococcal peptidoglycan cell wall precursors [33]. Glycopeptides form complexes with the peptidoglycan precursor which prevent binding of the transpeptidases, that are responsible for the terminal cross-linking of the peptidoglycan, which means that the cell wall synthesis stops [35]. Glycopeptide resistance in enterococci occurs through the aquisation of transposable genetic elements called the van genes. All six resistance genotypes know, results in production of altered peptidoglycan precursors that do not terminate in the typical D-ala-D-ala but in either of the D-ala-D-lac (vanA, vanB and vanD genotype) or D-ala-D-ser (vanC, vanE and vanG genotype) which result in much lower affinity for glycopeptides and glycopeptide resistant enterococci (VRE) [26]. The vanA phenotype mediates high-level inducible resistance to both vancomycin and teicoplanin [10]. The vanB phenotype, also inducible expressed, is usually characterised by moderate vancomycin resistance levels (MIC 16-64 mg/L)


and teicoplanin susceptibility [33]. The chromosomally encoded vanC1-3 genes results in low level constitutive intrinsic vancomycin resistance in E. gallinarum, E. casseliflavus and E. flavescens [28]. The vanD gene mediates moderate-level resistance to both vancomycin and teicoplanin and is chromosomally encoded while vanE and vanG cause low-level resistance to vancomycin and are believed to be inducible [10]. Enterococci that have acquired a van-gene especially the vanA or vanB are called vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE). Glycopeptides are also important in treatment of serious infections caused by methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) or methicillin resistant CoNS. The first clinical high-level vancomycin resistant S. aureus isolate, which was resistant due to acquisition of the vanA gene, was isolated from a dialysis patient in 2002 [33]. Since then at least six other cases has been reported from the US [33]. MRSA isolates with high level vancomycin resistance (VRSA) have vancomycin MICs of 321024mg/L [26]. Vancomycin- or glycopeptide intermediate staphylococci (GIS) has also been detected in several countries [26]. These isolates display low-level vancomycin resistance and the MIC is typically 8-16 mg/L. A third variant of glycopeptide resistance exists the so-called heterogeneously glycopeptide intermediate resistant staphylococci (hGIS) in which a subpopulation of the staphylococcal isolates is glycopeptide resistant but the MIC, measured with for example Etest, remain in the susceptible range [26]. There is also a small portion of coagulase negative staphylococci that exhibit resistance to teicoplanin, with MICs in the 16-32mg/L range, but remain susceptible to vancomycin [26]. The precise genetic basis for these variants of glycopeptide resistance is still unknown but the intermediate resistant phenotype includes thickened cell walls and over-production of D-ala-D-ala-containing peptidoglycan precursors [26]. This may lead to increased binding of vancomycin to the pre-existing cell wall and thereby reduction in the amount of vancomycin that reaches the target molecules [28].

Quinolones The quinolones, levofloxacin and moxifloxacin, target DNA gyrase (topoisomerase II) and topoisomerase IV which are responsible for the folding and supercoiling of the DNA [35] and essential for DNA replication [26]. Topoisomerase IV is usually the main target for quinolones in Gram-positive bacteria [8]. Resistance to fluoroquinolones are due to mutational target modification or efflux. The mutations arise in gyrA and parC that encode a DNA gyrase and a topoisomerase IV subunit, respectively [26]. Resistance is a cumulative process, with increasing


number of mutations generally correlating with increasing MICs of fluoroquinolones [26]. Low-level resistance results from mutations in either gyrA or parC, whereas high-level resistance is associated with mutations in both genes. Efflux-mediated resistance involve multi-drug efflux pumps which has been found both in S. aureus (NorA, and others) and E. faecalis (NorA hom*ologue encoded by emeA gene), [26]. A variant of the plasmid-mediated aminoglycoside 6_-Nacetyltransferase, the AAC(6_)-Ib-cr, with the additional ability to acetylate and inactivate fluoroquinolones was described in 2006 [36]. This plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinant, that is a pentapeptide repeat protein (PRP), was named QnrA. In Gram-positive bacteria, two PRPs from Enterococcus faecium and Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been described that shares only 20% amino acid identity with QnrA [37].

Rifamycins Rifampicin acts on the DNA dependent RNA polymerase. Rifampicin resistance arises after mutations in the rpoB gene encoding the β-subunit of the RNA polymerase which leads to change of amino acids in the RNA polymerase [30]. Several different mutations are known that can lead to either low- or high-level resistance to rifampicin [38]. In some cases it is enough with a single mutation to lead to high-level rifampicin resistance. Aubry-Damon et al. found that rifampicin resistant mutants were obtained at frequencies of 10-7 to 10-8 by plating clinical isolates of methicillin susceptible S. aureus on agar containing rifampicin at various concentrations [38]. Because of the relative ease with which resistant mutants emerge, rifampicin is normally used in combination with unrelated antibiotics [30]. Rifampicin have activity in vitro against staphylococci including MRSA while enterococci are less susceptible [30]. Rifampicin has good bioavailability and can penetrate white blood cells to kill phagocytised bacteria as well as eradicate adherent bacteria in the stationary phase [39]

Folic acid antagonists Trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) is a combination of trimethoprim and sulphamethoxazole which both inhibit the folic acid synthesis in the bacteria [35]. Trimethoprim acts by inhibition of the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). Resistance among staphylococci is due to mutations in the chromosomal dfr gene encoding DHFR [26]. Resistance among staphylococci can also be due to expression of an altered target. This plasmid mediated resistance is associated with


expression of DHFR S1 and S2 encoded by dfrA and dfrD, respectively [26]. Altough enterococci are susceptible to TMP/SMX in vitro they are resistant to the antifolate activity in vivo by their ability to incorporate preformed exogenous folates which reverse the activity of trimethoprim [8]. Acquired trimethoprim resistance due to chromosomal mutations and expression of an acquired DHFR, encoded by dhrF have also been found among enterococci [26].

Fusidic acid Fusidic acid is an antimicrobial agent with activity aginst staphylococci. Fusidic acid inhibits the protein synthesis by binding to and inhibiting the elongation factor G [26]. Fusidic acid resistant staphylococci are usually mutated in fusA, which encodes the elongation factor G [26] or results from the aquisation of the fusB determinant. Other fusidic acid resistance mechanisms have been reported. These include impermeability and efflux [26]. Fusidic acid monotherapy is usually avoided in hospitals because of the risk of selection of resistant variants. S. saprophyticus is intrinsically resistant to fusidic acid while most other staphylococcal species have to aquire resistance to fusidic acid [40].

Lincosamides The lincosamide clindamycin inhibit bacterial protein synthesis by blocking the peptidyltransferase activity of the 50S ribosomal subunit [8]. The spectrum includes staphylococci including MRSA but not enterococci. Specific lincosamide resistance is encoded by lnu(A) alleles in staphylococci and by lnu(B) in enterococci [26]. These genes encodes an enzyme that adenylates a hydroxyl group in clindamycin [8]. The ermB gene encodes an enzyme that methylates an adenine residue in the 23S ribosomal RNA [8]. This residue is critical for the interaction between 23S rRNA and the macrolides (erytromycin), streptogramin-B agents (for example quinupristin) and lincosamides [26] which result in resistance not only to clindamycin but also to erythromycin and streptogramins [8]. The erm determinants can be expressed inducibly or constitutively. The macrolide erythromycin is a good inducer of resistance while lincosamides vary in their ability to induce. Staphylococci with inducible erm genes usually appear erythromycin resistant and clindamycin susceptible [26]. Clindamycin has bacteriostatic effect.


Aminoglycosides Aminoglycosides are bactericidal and exert their effect on the protein synthesis by binding to the 30S ribosomal subunit [8]. When the oxygen level or the pH is low, for example in an abscess, the aminoglycosides are not active. Anaerobic bacteria are naturally resistant. Among the Gram-positive bacteria S. aureus are usually susceptible while streptococcus and enterococcus are intermediate susceptible or resistant. The susceptibility among the CoNS varies between isolates. Low-level aminoglycoside resistance among enterococci is caused by the inability of the drug to cross the enterococcal cell membrane [10]. The physical hindrance of penetration confers low level resistance to all aminoglycosides. High-level aminoglycoside resistance is mediated through mutations that change the ribosomal target or by the production of a spectrum of aminoglycoside modifying enzymes [26]. The modifying enzymes belong to three different classes, acetyltransferases, phosphotransferases and nucleotidyltransferases [26] and act on different aminoglycosides. However, the most common mechanism underlying high-level aminoglycoside resistance among enterococci is the production of a bifunctional enzyme AAC(6´)-APH(2´´), [26] which confers resistance to all aminoglycosides available in Europe (tobramycin, netilmicin, kanamycin and amikacin), except streptomycin [26, 32]. The same bifunctional enzyme is also found among gentamicin resistant staphylococci [26]. Aminoglycosides are used when a fast bactericidal effect is needed for example in immune-compromised patients and in endocarditis. A synergistic combination of a cell wall active agent (penicillin or glycopeptide) with an aminoglycoside remains the treatment of choice for endocarditis caused by enterococci [26]. The cell wall active agent opens up the cell wall so the aminoglycoside can penetrate in to the bacterial cell and exert its effect on the protein synthesis.

Glycylcyclines Tygacil (tigecycline) was registered by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) in May 2006 for parenteral use in complicated skin and skin-structure infections and complicated intra-abdominal infections. Tigecycline is a derivative of minocycline [32] and belong to the group glycylcyclines. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic with bacteriostatic activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria [41, 42]. Tigecycline acts by binding to the 30S ribosomal subunit and by blocking the entry of amino-acyl tRNA molecules into the A-site of the ribosome. Thereby the incorporation of amino acid residues into the elongating peptide chain is prevented and the protein synthesis is stopped [35, 43]. Tigecycline does not appear to be a


substrate for the enzymes involved in the two common mechanisms of tetracycline resistance and can thereby exert its effect even in the presence of efflux pumps and ribosomal protection [44].

Oxazolididones Linezolid was the first oxazolidinone to be licensed [26]. Oxazolidinones bind to the 23S ribosomal subunit and prevent protein synthesis by inhibiting formation of the 70S ribosomal initiation complex [26]. Linezolid interacts with the A-site and affect the placement of the tRNA [32]. Resistance arises from mutations in chromosomal genes encoding 23S rRNA [26]. Mutations in the central loop of domain V of the 23S rRNA is the most common mechanism of linezolid resistance in enterococci [32]. Usually the rRNA genes of most bacterial species are present in multiple copies and oxazolidinone resistance probably arises via a two step process, an initial mutational event affecting only one copy followed by intra-genomic recombination to distribute the mutation to sufficient rDNA allels to confer phenotypic resistance [26]. Resistance among staphylococci is caused by the presence of the cfr gene [32]. This gene encodes a protein that is methylating position A2503 of the 23S rRNA of bacterial ribosomes [32].

Virulence mechanisms of S. epidermidis The most important virulence factor of the S. epidermidis isolates is their ability to adhere, aggregate and form multilayered biofilms, embedded in an extracellular matrix, on medical devices used in the hospital setting [6]. A biofilm develops when microorganisms adhere to a surface and produce extracellular matrix that facilitates adhesion of the microorganisms to each other and provide them with a structural matrix. The surface may be living tissue, non-living materials in the environment or plastics, catheters, prosthesis and other medical devices used in the medical centres [45]. With the increased use of these devices it has become clear that biofilm formation is a trait that plays a significant role in nosocomial infections [46]. The biofilm formation is a three-step process. The first step is represented by the adhesion or attachment of the bacterial cell to native surfaces or surfaces coated by human extracellular matrix proteins. During adhesion, a non-specific physiochemical interaction is followed by a more specific adhesin-mediated phase.


Heilman et al. sequenced a gene of a S. epidermidis strain, which amino acid sequence exhibited 61 % identical amino acids as the atl gene product of S. aureus, which represents the major autolysin [47]. They therefore suggested that the open frame encoding a bifunctional protein should be designated autolysin E. The S. epidermidis major autolysin (AtlE) has among other traits been shown to be involved in adhesion to polystyrene and to the human extracellular matrix protein vitronectin [47]. AtlE is encoded by the atlE gene that consist of one open reading frame of 4005bp. AtlE is a hom*ologue of the S. aureus Atl [48] and are proteolytically cleaved to two bacteriolytically active domains. In the central part of the protein there are three repetitive sequences that are probably involved in the adhesion function [47]. When the bacteria have adhered to a surface they continue to grow and more and more bacterial cells will be present at the area of the surface. Then the second step of the biofilm formation, the intercellular aggregation, take place which result in cell clusters where some bacteria are attached to the surface while the rest is attached to the surface bound bacteria and to each other [6]. A surface polysaccharide, common for both S. epidermidis and S. aureus, was first isolated by Tojo et al. from the culture supernatant of the S. epidermidis strain RP62A (ATCC 35984), [49]. This polysaccharide is now called polysaccharide intracellular adhesin (PIA) or poly-N-acetylglucosamine (PNAG), and has been shown to be involved in intercellular aggregation of the bacterial cells [48]. PIA biosynthesis is accomplished by the products of the genes in the intercellular adhesion operon (ica operon) which comprises an N-acetylglucosamine transferase (icaA and icaD), a PIA deacetylase (icaB), a putative PIA exporter (icaC) and a regulatory gene (icaR) [6]. The deacetylation of PIA introduces a positively charged character in the otherwise neutral molecule. As the bacterial surface is negatively charged, PIA might work like glue that sticks the cells together by electrostatic interaction. In 1997, Hussain et al. discovered a 140 kDa protein that was only found in extracellular materials from S. epidermidis RP62A (ATCC 35984) under sessile growth conditions [50]. It was found to be encoded by an open reading frame of 4521 bp [50]. The amino acid sequence showed that the protein consisted of a Nterminal exporter signal (domain A) thereafter five repeats of 128 amino-acids in length and an incomplete repeat of 68 amino acids (domain B) followed [50]. The C-terminal of the protein consisted of two collagen triple repeats and a LPXTG motif containing Gram-positive anchor [50]. The protein was named accumulation associated protein (Aap). Cultivation of the S. epidermidis isolate 5179-R1 in the


presence of purified domain B inhibited biofilm formation indicating that domain B of Aap is active in mediating intercellular adhesion and biofilm formation [51]. Aap-positive isolates has been found to produce significantly more biofilm than those that lack the 140 kDa protein [50]. The Aap protein, encoded by the aap gene, has been suggested to be the most important protein in PIA-independent biofilm formation [50]. Aap is a 220 k Da protein that needs to be proteolytically cleaved to a smaller 140 k Da protein to induce biofilm formation [51]. Rohde et al found that exogenously added granulocyte proteases could induce proteolytic cleavage of the AAP protein which they concluded could have important implications with regard to pathogen clearance of the immune system since cluster forming cells of S. epidermidis 5179-R1 were about 10-fold less susceptible to killing by whole blood than were cells of S. epidermidis 5179 that did not express the 140 kDa protein [51]. In the third step the maturation of the biofilm take place and the bacteria become imbedded in an extracellular matrix mostly consisting of polysaccharides and proteins [6]. Kogan et al. has shown that the extracellular matrix can also comprise teichoic acid in certain staphylococci species [52]. A mature biofilm has a specific 3dimensional structure with mushroom-like formations of bacteria with fluid-filled channels in between. The bacteria in these mature biofilms are also protected from the human immune system and are more tolerant than their planktonic counterparts to antimicrobial agents [53]. Therefore infections caused by S. epidermidis in association with a implanted medical device is often persistent and relapsing [54]. Furthermore, several different factors can contribute to the detachment of bacteria from the biofilm, which can lead to dissemination of bacteria to other colonisation sites [6].

Virulence mechanisms of E. faecalis and E. faecium Enterococci has also been demonstrated to form biofilm on medical devices and their ability to adhere to different surfaces and to form biofilms has been associated with their pathogenesis [55]. For example, nosocomial enterococcal bacteraemia is related to a vascular catheter in approximately one of three cases [56, 57]. Enterococcal biofilm formation is believed to be a 3-step process in the same manner as described above for the staphylococci. An enterococcal pathogenicity island (PAI) has been found in the E. faecalis genome [10]. Among the virulence traits encoded within the E. faecalis PAI were the cell surface-associated protein Esp, aggregation substance (AS) and the secreted toxin cytolysin [10].


The enterococcal surface protein (Esp), encoded by the esp gene, has been detected in higher frequensis among bacteremia and endocarditis isolates but is rare among stool isolates from healthy individuals [58]. Esp was originally detected in clinical isolates of E. faecalis in 1999 [59]. An esp hom*olog was later identified in E. feacium, espfm, that was also shown to be enriched among clinical E. faecium isolates [60]. Esp is a large bacterial cell wall surface associated protein [15] with structural similarities to the S. aureus biofilm-associated protein (Bap), [10]. The C-terminal of Esp is formed by a [Y/F]PxTG motif which presumably can be recognised by sortase [61]. Esp is associated with promotion of primary attachment and biofilm formation. Toledo-Arana et al. found a significant correlation between the presence of Esp and the ability of E. faecalis to form biofilms on polystyrene [62]. Furthermore, Tendolkar et al. [63] showed that esp-positive E. faecalis strains produced significantly more biovolume and thickness of biofilms than their control strains. In addition, the contribution of the surface protein Esp to colonisation and persistence of E. faecalis in urinary tract infections has been shown in animal models [59, 64]. Aggregation substance (AS) is a pheromone-responsive, plasmid-encoded bacterial surface protein that promotes aggregate formation between bacteria which mediates plasmid transfer during bacterial conjugation [65, 66]. AS was the first LPxTG surface protein described in enterococci [61]. LPxTG-type proteins such as AS has frequently been detected in clinical isolates but is rarely found among faecal isolates from healthy volunteers. This indicates that AS has a role in human enterococcal infections [58]. AS mediates adhesion of E. faecalis to a variety of eukaryotic cell types, including intestinal epithelium, renal epithelial cells, human neutrophils and macrophages [11]. AS also mediates adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins, fibronectin, thrombospondin, vitronectin and collagen type I [10]. The ability of an enterococci to adhere to collagen has been shown to play a role in the pathogenesis of endocarditis [58]. AS producing strains of E. faecalis has also been shown to be associated with greater vegetations weights and bacterial count in the vegatations compared to vegetations caused by AS-defective strains in a rabbit endocarditis model [67]. The aggregation substance has also been shown to increase the adhesion to and internalisation of E. faecalis isolates into intestinal cell lines [68]. However, translocation of enterococci through monolayers of intestinal epithelium was not observed [68]. The aggregation substance has also been reported to increase the binding of E. faecalis to human neutrophils via a complement receptor-mediated mechanism as well as internalization and prolonged


survival in macrophages [69]. AS also appears to augment intracellular survival inside neutrophils [70]. Aggregation substance can be induced by serum, suggesting that larger aggregates of the enterococci are formed in vivo and that phagocytosis of the enterococci thereby are aggravated [15]. Hemolysin also called cytolysin is toxin that is encoded by a pheromone responsive plasmid but may also be chromosally encoded [58]. The production of the cytolysin includes products from eight genes organized in an operon, the cyl operon [11]. The genes cylLL and cylLS, in the cyl operon, code for two precursor proteins. The modification protein CylM (encoded by cylM) is required for the transformation of the two precursor proteins to a secretable form. Both proteins are then secreted with the help of CylB, the product of the gene cylB. The secreted proteins CylLL and CylLS remain inactive until six amino acids are removed from each amino terminus with an enzyme encoded for by the gene cylA [18]. Fully mature CylLL and CylLS are both required for the lysis of target cells. Cytolysin lyses human, rabbit and horse erythrocytes and is bactericidal to many Gram-positive bacteria [71]. The cytolysin producing bacterium itself is protected from lysis by a cylI gene [58]. In a rabbit endophthalmitis model it was shown that E. faecalis isolates that produced cytolysin completely destroyed the organ despite treatment with both antimicrobial agents and anti-inflammatory agents [72]. Cytolysin has also been observed to favour the appearance of enterococci in the blood stream of experimentally infected mice [73]. Furthermore, cytolytic strains in bacteraemia were determined to be associated with a fivefold increased risk for death compared to infections caused by non-cytolytic strains [74]. Diagnostically, cytolysin toxin production is detected as a beta-hemolytic reaction on human and horse blood agar [15]. Although beta-hemolytic activity occasionally has been detected among E. faecium isolates, the cyl operon has so far not been detected in this species [75].

Phenotypic identification to the species level Staphylococci are identified to the species level on the basis of colony morphology on the plates which are white greyish or yellow opaque colonies. Gram-stain, DNAs production, Slidex Staph Kit (BioMerieux) and coagulase production are also used. S. aureus are positive in the three tests while DNAs, Slidex Staph Kit and coagulase negative isolates are CoNS. The staphylococci can also be determined to the species level with API 20 STAPH or ID32 STAPH (both BioMerieux) which is commersial available kits based on the ability of the staphylococci to metabolise different substrates, for example different sugars.


Enterococci are identified to the species level on the basis of colony morphology, which usually is greyish colonies that are glossy and transparent around the edge, the colonies can also be surrounded by hemolysis, esculin production and arabinose. Both E. faecium and E. faecalis are esculine positive while E. faecium is arabinose positive and E. faecalis is arabinose negative. Enterococci can also be identified to the species level with API, API 20 STREP or Rapid ID32 STREP (both Biomerieux). The problem with phenotypic methods is the variability in the expression of phenotypic characteristics even if the isolates belong to the same species. The variability can be even greater if they are grown under different conditions such as temperature, pH and oxygen level [76]. Furthermore, the interpretation of phenotypic tests is subjective which limits the reproducibility. Phenotypic identification is also slow since long incubation times from 18-24 h are needed before some of the tests can be read. To overcome these obstacles, nucleic acidbased genotyping methods such as 16S rDNA and rpoB gene sequencing are used [76, 77].

Genotypic identification to the species level Genotypic methods use DNA as the basis for identification of bacteria to the species and subspecies level [76]. Genotypic methods may have higher discriminatory power, reproducibility and typeability than phenotypic methods. The most common target for identification by DNA sequencing is the 16S rDNA [76]. 16S rDNA is conserved among bacteria since it encodes for rRNA that is essential for the survival of all bacteria due to its involvement in protein synthesis [78]. Many species, including CoNS species and entreococcal species, are however closely related and 16S rDNA sequencing may not always have sufficient discriminatory power to differentiate all of them [76, 79, 80]. In recent years, sequencing of the rpoB gene, encoding the beta-subunit of RNA polymerase, has been shown to be a reliable genotypic method for determining CoNS isolates to the species and subspecies level [77, 79, 81, 82]. Furtheremore, rpoB sequencing has been shown to have higher discriminatory power than 16S rDNA sequencing [79, 81].


Molecular methods Primer design To be able to construct primers that will anneal to a specific DNA sequence, sequences from the respective genes can be retrieved from the Entrez Nucleotide database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nucleotides). These sequences are aligned and compared using CLC Sequence Viewer software (CLC bio). The primers are placed in regions of the genes that are conserved for the species or among all the species of interest. If there is variability of one or more nucleotide bases a universal nucleotide can be incorporated in the primer sequence. This will make it possible for the primers to anneal to all sequence variants of the target gene. The melting temperature of the primers and their possibility to form primer-dimers and hairpin loops are controlled using OligoAnalyzer or Primer3 Plus software (http://eu.idtdna.com/analyzer/applications/oligoanalyzer/default.aspx and http://www.bioinformatics.nl/cgi-bin/primer3plus/primer3plus.cgi).

Polymerase chain reaction Basically, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an in vitro DNA synthesis system based on exponential amplification of a DNA molecule. For amplification of a specific part of a DNA molecule two primers, the four different dideoxynucleotidephosphates (dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP), magnesium and a thermo-stable DNA polymerase is needed. The PCR reaction takes place in three steps: 1. Denaturation of the double stranded DNA to single stranded DNA. 2. Annealing of the primer to the single stranded DNA and 3. A copy of the specific DNA sequence is formed in the extension step. By incorporation of nucleotides into the growing DNA chain by the DNA polymerase enzyme. The three steps are together called a PCR cycle and the DNA amplification usually takes place during 25 to 40 cycles. In this thesis PCR amplification was performed on the mecA, vanA, vanB, 16S rDNA, rpoB, atlE, aap, esp and asa1 genes and the ica and cyl operons followed by gel electrophoresis or capillary electrophoresis and sequencing.

Sequencing During DNA sequencing the order of the nucleotides adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C) in a DNA chain is determined. Currently, there are two main strategies for DNA sequencing available, Sanger di-deoxynucloeotide sequencing and Pyrosequencing [83].


In the Sanger di-deoxynucloeotide sequencing, the DNA sequence of a singlestranded template DNA is determined by using 2´, 3´-di-deoxynucleotide triphosphates that have a hydrogen atom attached to the 3´carbon rather than an OH group, in the sequencing reaction. These molecules terminate the DNA chain elongation because they cannot form a phosphodiester bond with the next deoxynucleotide [84]. This results in a set of DNA nucleotide fragments of different lengths. In the beginning, Sanger sequencing was performed in four different tubes one for each nucleotide (A, T, G and C) using radioactive labelled di-deoxynucleotides. The contents from each tube was loaded into one well of an agarose gel. The contents of the four tubes were loaded to four wells next to each other and the DNA fragments were separated by gel electrophoresis. A radioactivesensitive film was exposed to the gel and the sequence could then be read from left to right from the smallest fragments at the bottom to the largest fragments at the top [84]. Each black dot representing an A, T, G or C depending on in which line the dot is found, the A-line, T-line, G-line or the C-line. Automation of the method has been done and the different nucleotides are nowadays distinguished by the use of fluorescently end-labelled nucloetides [85]. The sequence can then be determined by the order in which the fragments, each labelled with one of the four different dyes, pass the detector of an automated capillary gel electrophoresis instrument (Figure 1).

Figure 1: A picture of a chromatogram obtained when automated di-deoxynucloeotide sequencing (Sanger sequencing) is used. Each peak corresponds to one nucleotide and the colour of the peak determines which of the four nucleotides it is. The chromatogram is read from left to right. The sequence obtained in this case is GGTGGCTATGCTACATGGTCAAGCCCAGAC AGAGG.


Pyrosequencing is a nonelectrophoretic sequencing method based on real-time sequencing during DNA synthesis. DNA polymerase incorporates the correct, complemantary, nucleotide into the growing DNA strand. The nucleotides A, C, T and G are added one at the time to the Pyrosequencing reaction tube. If the added nucleotide is complementary to the next nucleotide in the template DNA sequence, the nucleotide is incorporated into the growing DNA chain. During incorporation of a nucleotide pyrophosphate is released. The pyrophosphate is quantitatively converted to ATP which acts as fuel to the luciferase mediated reaction that generates light. The amount of light produced is measured and is directly proportional to the number of nucleotides (A, C, T or G) incorporated into the growing DNA chain [86]. Unincorporated nucleotides and the excess ATP are degraded by the enzyme apyrase before the next nucleotide is added in the next Pyrosequencing cycle [86]. The DNA sequence is read from left to right in a chromatogram. Each peak represents the prescence of a specific nucleotide and the height of the peak corresponds to the number of that specific nucleotide present directly after each other in the sequence (Figure 2).

Figure 2: A picture of a chromatogram obtained when Pyrosequencing is used. The nucleotides are added one at the time always in the CTGA order. Each peak represents the presence of a specific nucleotide and the height of the peak corresponds to the number of that specific nucleotide present directly after each other. The obtained sequence in this case is AACGTCAAAGGAGCAAGCTCCTTA.


Aims  To investigate the susceptibility to different antimicrobial agents among S. aureus, CoNS, E. faecium and E. faecalis isolates from primary care centres (PCCs), general hospital wards (GHWs) and intensive care units (ICUs) in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.  To investigate the susceptibility to tigecycline and comparative agents among S. aureus, CoNS, E. faecium and E. faecalis isolated from GHWs and ICUs in three Swedish university hospitals.  To investigate rpoB sequencing as a tool for identification of clinical CoNS isolates to the species level.  To determine the frequncies of the genes encoding the surface-associated autolysin (atlE), accumulation associated protein (aap) and the polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (ica operon) among multidrug resistant and susceptible clinical S. epidermidis isolates from general hospital wards and intensive care units.  To study the prevalence of the genes encoding the virulence factors aggregation substance (asa1), enterococcal surface protein (esp) and cytolysin (cyl operon) among genetically related and non-genetically related isolates, with or without HLGR, of E. faecalis and E. faecium, and to examine some of these isolates ability to adhere to siliconized latex urinary catheters in relation to presence of the esp gene.


Materials and Methods Study design and bacterial isolates Paper I, II and III In Paper I, clinical isolates were collected from primary care centres (PCCs), general hospital wards (GHWs) and intensive care units (ICUs), between 1999 and 2000 in four north European countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. In Paper II, isolates were collected from GHWs and ICUs between November 2003 and December 2004 at three Swedish university hospitals in Linköping, Malmö and Stockholm (Karolinska). Specimens were obtained from patients on the basis of clinical indication and were identified according to standard methods at each laboratory. Isolates identified as S. aureus, CoNS, E. faecium and E. faecalis were included in Paper I and II. An isolate of the same species from the same patient could be included if the minimal inhibitory concentration for an antimicrobial agent differed more than two dilution steps from the first isolate. In Paper II, S. saprophyticus and isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis were excluded. Supportive information accompanying each isolate, in both Paper I and II, were the study centre, ward level, patient identification and source of the isolate. In Paper III, all multidrug resistant (n = 28) and susceptible (n = 48) CoNS isolates from Paper II were included. Multidrug resistant CoNS were defined to be resistant to at least three antimicrobial agents with different modes of action.

Paper IV Enterococcal isolates from four previous studies [13, 87-89] were included in the study. Ninety-four E. faecalis belonging to three different cluster or with unique pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) pattern and twenty-one E. faecium isolates belonging to three different clusters or with unique PFGE-pattern were included in the study (for details see Table 6). Cluster I consisted of 46 E. faecalis islolates with HLGR which were originally isolated from patients admitted to various ICUs in the south of Sweden and was later found to represent about 10-20% of the E. faecalis bacteraemia isolates each year between 1994-2001 in the Östergötland county of Sweden [87, 89]. Cluster II consisted of a group of E. faecalis isolates with HLGR


that was mainly found among patients admitted to the southwest of Sweden and cluster III which consisted of 4 genetically related E. faecalis isolates were found among ICU patients in the same area [87]. The E. faecalis isolates with unique PFGE patterns were also isolated from ICU patients in the south of Sweden [87, 89]. The E. faecium isolates belonging to cluster 2 were HLGR and were isolated from rectal swabs from patients admitted to ICUs in Linköping University hospital, Sweden [88]. Cluster 3 and 4 were non-HLGR E. faecium isolates also isolated from rectal swabs from the ICU patients at the same hospital [88]. The E. faecium isolates with unique PFGE pattern were isolated from blood samples and rectal swabs from patients in three different hospitals in the Östergötland County [88, 89] In addition, two antibiotic susceptibility control strains, E. faecalis ATCC 29212 and E. faecium ATCC 35667, were analysed. The E. faecalis strain MMH 594 (kindly provided by Professor Gunnar Lindahl Lund University, Sweden and Phillip Coburn, University of Oklahoma, USA) were used as a positive control in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of asa1, esp, cylA, cylB, cylM, cylLL and cylLS [90]. Species identification, antibiotic susceptibility testing, PCR detection of the aac(6´)Ie-aph(2´´)Ia gene and PFGE analysis were performed and were described in each of the isolates original papers [13, 87-89].

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing Paper I and II To ensure as small differences as possible in the results of the susceptibility testing between different study-centres, all plates were distributed to the different laboratories in both Paper I and II. Furthermore, two reference strains S. aureus ATCC 29213 and E. faecalis ATCC 29212 were included in the susceptibility testing at each laboratory to ensure that the susceptibility testing was performed in a correct way. In cases of unexpected results, the isolates were sent to the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory at Linköping University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden for re-testing and, when needed, for further analysis. At each laboratory beta-lactamase production (Paper I) and oxacillin disc diffusion was determined for the staphylococcal isolates and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was performed for both staphylococcal and enterococcal isolates. Beta-lactamase production was determined by using the chromogenic


nitrocefin disc test (AB Biodisk). Oxacillin susceptibility was determined with a 1 µg oxacillin disc (AB Biodisk) placed on a paper disc method (PDM) agar plate (Biodisk AB), (Paper I), or on isosensitest agar plate (Oxoid, Cambridge, UK), (Paper II), both supplemented with 6% defibrinated horse blood and inoculated with a bacterial suspension of 0.5 McFarland (≈ 1x108 bacteria per mL). The zone of inhibition was determined after 24 h incubation at 35°C. MICs for ampicillin, clindamycin, fusidic acid, gentamicin, imipenem, levofloxacin, linezolid, moxifloxacin, piperacillin/tazobactam, rifampicin, teicoplanin, tigecycline, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) and vancomycin was determined with Etest on PDM agar (Paper I), or Mueller Hinton agar (Paper II). In Paper I, teicoplanin and vancomycin MIC were determined with the macromethod with a 2 McFarland suspension (≈4x108 bacteria/mL), on the staphylococcal isolates, to detect isolates with subpopulations showing reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides as suggested by Walsh et al. [91]. For the other antimicrobial agents in Paper I and for all antibiotics in Paper II, MIC was determined with a 0.5 McFarland bacterial suspension and after 18-24 h of incubation at 35°C. As a quality control for MIC and oxacillin susceptibility testing, the S. aureus ATCC 29213 and E. faecalis ATCC 29212 strains were simultaneously tested at all laboratories.

Breakpoints Paper I and II Oxacillin susceptible and resistant staphylococci isolates were defined according to the species related zone diameter breakpoints of the SRGA valid for the oxacillin discs (AB Biodisk) in November 2004, i.e. susceptible ≥ 12 mm and resistant ≤ 9 mm. Regarding the other antibiotics, susceptible and resistant isolates were defined according to the species related MIC breakpoints of SRGA), (Table 1). For imipenem and moxifloxacin, where SRGA breakpoints were not available, species related breakpoints of EUCAST, (Table 1), were used. MIC breakpoints were valid in April 2006 (Paper I) and in May 2007 (Paper II). Staphylococci, in Paper I, were designated as having reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides if MIC, measured with the macromethod, was ≥ 8 mg/L for both teicoplanin and vancomycin or ≥ 12 mg/L for teicoplanin only, according to the criteria by Walsh et al. [91]. The MIC values when 50% (MIC50) and 90% (MIC90) of the isolates was inhibited by an antimicrobial agent were also determined. Isolates resistant to ≥ 3 antimicrobial agents were considered multidrug resistant (MDR).


Table 1: Species-related MIC breakpoints for Staphylococci and Enterococci according to SRGA or EUCAST, valid in April 2006 and May 2007. Susceptible  (mg/L) Species Antibiotic Staphylococci Clindamycin



Fusidic acid













Resistant  (mg/L)












Trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole (1/19) Vancomycin (Paper II)















Gentamicin Levofloxacin Linezolid


128 NA
















Vancomycin 4 8 Based on the MIC for sulphamethoxazole b EUCAST breakpoint c Breakpoint for high level gentamicin resistance (HLGR), other MIC breakpoints are not available NA-not available a

Storage and handling of bacterial isolates Paper II, III and IV Prior to DNA extraction, detection of cytolysin production and adhesion to urinary catheters, the staphylococci and enterococci isolates were kept frozen, at -70°C, in Nutrient broth No.2 (Lab M, Lancashire, UK) with glycerol. Bacterial isolates were grown overnight at 36°C before the experiments took place. In Paper II and III, the staphylococcal isolates were grown on GC agar plates (Acumedia, Lansing, MI, USA) containing soluble haemoglobin


powder (Oxoid, Cambridge, UK). In Paper IV, the enterococcal isolates were grown on Columbia blood agar (Accumedia, Baltimore, MD, US).

DNA extraction Paper I and II DNA was extracted by incubating one bacterial colony in 50 µl PrepMan Ultra (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, US) for 10 min at 99°C, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Thereafter the DNA/bacteria solution was centrifuged in an Eppendorf Bench top centrifuge at 13400 rpm for 3 min.

Paper III Bacterial colonies were suspended in 200 µl G2 buffer (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) containing 5 µl lysozyme (100 mg/L, Sigma Aldrich, Stockholm, Sweden) and 10 µl Proteinas K (Qiagen). The bacteria and enzyme suspension was incubated for 30 min at 25°C, 30 min at 56°C, followed by an enzyme inactivation and lysis step at 99°C for 15 min, with constant shaking. Subsequently, bacterial suspensions were centrifuged in an Eppendorf Bench top centrifuge at 13400 rpm for 3 min. Bacterial DNA was purified using a MagAttract DNA Mini M48 Kit (Qiagen) and a Bio Robot M48 Workstation (Qiagen).

Paper IV Two to five colonies of the enterococcal isolates were added directly to the tube containing PCR mastermix without any previous DNA extraction.

DNA amplification and primers Paper II Oxacillin resistant S. aureus were tested for the presence of mecA gene and vancomycin resistant E. faecium and E. faecalis were tested for the presence of vanA and vanB genes with PCR, at each laboratory participating in the study. In Linköping, 2 µl bacterial DNA, extracted as described above, were added togheter


with 10 pmol of each primer, (Table 2), to lyophilised Ready to Go beads (Amersham Biosciences AB, Uppsala, Sweden) in a final volume of 25 µl. PCR was performed in a PTC-100 Thermal-cycler (Scandinavian Diagnostic Services, Sweden). PCR conditions are given in Table 3. PCR amplicons were analysed with electrophoresis on an E-GelTMBase (Invitrogen AB, Stockholm Sweden). The other two laboratories used their own in house PCR methods for mecA, vanA and vanB detection. In order to identify the nine tigecycline resistant CoNS isolates to the species level, Pyrosequencing templates were obtained by PCR amplification of the 16S rDNA in a Mastercycler gradient (Eppendorf AG, Hamburg, Germany) using 1 µl template DNA and 10 pmol of each primer in HotStar Taq Mastermix kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) to a final volume of 25 µl. Three pairs of primers, targeting the 16S rDNA variable regions V1 antisense, V3 sense and V3 antisense, respectively, were used [92], (Table 2). PCR amplification conditions are presented in (Table 3).

Paper III Amplification of atlE, aap genes and ica operon was performed on S. epidermidis isolates only. As a positive control the atlE and aap genes and the ica operon of S. epidermidis ATCC 35984 (RP62A) were amplified. PCR reactions were performed using 10 pmol of each of the S. epidermidis specific M13, SP6 or T7 tagged primers (Table 2), 2 µl bacterial DNA, and 1x HotStarTaq Master Mix (Qiagen) in a final reaction volume of 25 µl. PCR amplifications were carried out using an Eppendorf Thermocycler (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) yielding PCR amplicons of different sizes (Table 2). All primers used were synthesised by Eurofins MWG (Eurofins MWG Operon, Ebersberg, Germany). PCR amplification conditions are given in Table 3. PCR amplicons were visualised using an automated QIAxcel capillary electrophoresis system (Qiagen) and a QIAxcel screening kit (Qiagen) to confirm expected amplicons sizes.


Table 2: The primers that were used for PCR amplification (Paper II, III and IV), and Pyrosequencing analysis (Paper II). Target gene mecA vanA vanB 16S rDNA V1 16S rDNA V3 16S rDNA V3


atlE aap icaAC icaAB icaBC

esp asa1 cylM cylB cylA cylLL cylLS

Primer name

Primer sequence 5´to 3´orientation

Amplicon Size (bp)


MecA1 MecA3 VanA.se VanA.as VanB.se VanB.as Bio-pBR5´.se a pBR-V1.as a pJBS.V3.as Bio-B-V3.as Bio-pJBSV3.se a B-V3.as M13-1418.fw SP6-3554.rev


567 567 535 535 437 437 115 115 101 101 101

Unpublished Unpublished Unpublished Unpublished Unpublished Unpublished Jonasson et al. 2002 Jonasson et al. 2002 Jonasson et al. 2002 Jonasson et al. 2002 Jonasson et al. 2002


101 899 899

M13-atlE.fw SP6-atlE.rev M13-aap.fw SP6-aap.rev M13-icaA.fw T7-icaC.as M13-icaA.fw SP6-icaB.rev SP6-icaB.se


474 474 940 940 1310 1310 517 517 813

T7-icaC.as Esp11.fw Esp12.rev Agg1.fw Agg1.rev TE13.fw TE14.rev TE15.fw TE16.rev TE17.fw TE18.rev CylLL1. fw CylLL2.rev CylLS1.fw CylLS2.rev


813 954 954 379 379 742 742 843 843 517 517 253 253 157 157

Jonasson et al. 2002 Mellmann et al. 2006 Modified from Drancourt and Raoult, 2002 Paper III Paper III Paper III Paper III Frebourg et al. 2002 Paper III Frebourg et al. 2002 Frebourg et al. 2002 Modified from Frebourg et al. 2002 Paper III Shankar et al. 1999 Shankar et al. 1999 Huycke and Gilmore 1995 Paper IV Eaton and Gasson 2001 Eaton and Gasson 2001 Eaton and Gasson 2001 Eaton and Gasson 2001 Eaton and Gasson 2001 Eaton and Gasson 2001 Semedo et al. 2003 Semedo et al. 2003 Paper IV Paper IV

se – sense, as – antisense, fw – forward (sense), rev – reverse (antisense), bp – base pairs a Sequencing primers used in 16S rDNA Pyrosequencing *Sequence for the M13-tag is: TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT **Sequence for the SP6-tag is: CATTTAGGTGACACTATAG ***Sequence for the T7-tag is: TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG


Paper IV The aggregation substance gene asa1 was detected by PCR amplification using asa1 primers (Table 2), previously described by Huycke et al. [93], 20 pmol of each primer, lyophilised Ready to Go beads (Amersham Biosciences AB) and a few bacterial colonies in a final volume of 25 µl. PCR was performed in a PTC-100 Thermal-cycler (Scandinavian Diagnostic Services). PCR conditions are given in Table 3. PCR amplicons were analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis after staining with ethidium bromide. The esp gene was detected by PCR amplification and agarose gel electrophoresis as described in the previous section. The primers esp11 and esp12, (Table 2), originally developed by Shankar et al. [59] were used. PCR amplification conditions are described in Table 3. The five non-regulatory genes of the cytolysin operone (cylA, cylB, cylM, cylLL and cylLS) were detected by PCR amplification, using HotStar Taq Master Mix (Qiagen, Hilden Germany), 5-10 pmol of each primer (Table 2) and a few bacterial colonies in a final volume of 25 µl, in a PTC-100 Thermal cycler. PCR amplification conditions are given in Table 3.

PCR amplicon sequencing 16S rDNA Pyrosequencing analysis of the 16S rDNA amplicons was performed using a PSQTM96MA system (Biotage, Uppsala, Sweden), appropriate sequencing primers (Table 2), and PyroGold SQA reagents provided by the manufacturer (Biotage). The nucleotide dispension order was CTGA. Bacterial isolates were identified by comparison with catalogued sequences in the Entrez Nucleotid database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov).

The rpoB, atlE and aap genes and the ica operon To simplify high-throughput DNA sequencing, amplicon sequencing using sequence-tagged primer-pairs in PCR amplification was used in this study.


Table 3: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) conditions in Paper II, III and IV. Genes

mecA, vanA and vanB 16S rDNA rpoB atlE, aap, icaAC, icaAB and icaBC asa1 esp cylA and cylLS cylM and cylLL cylB

Initial Denaturation Temp Time (°C) (min) 94 10

Denaturation Temp Time (°C) (s) 94 40

Annealing Temp Time (°C) (s) 62 40

Extension Temp Time (°C) (s) 72 60

No. of cycles


Final extension Temp Time (°C) (min) 72 10












95 95

10 10

95 95

30 30

46 55

30 30

72 72

60 60

30 30

72 72

10 10

95 95 94

10 10 15

95 94 94

45 45 60

46 63 52

45 45 60

72 72 72

60 60 120

25 30 30

72 72 72

10 10 10























Sequencing was performed by using the sequence of the tag as universal sequencing primers [94, 95]. DNA sequencing of M13, SP6 or T7 sequence tagged rpoB, atlE, aap and ica operon PCR amplicons was carried out by a customer DNA sequencing service (Eurofins MWG Operon). Generated DNA sequences were edited using CLC Sequence viewer (version 6) software (CLC bio, Aarhus, Denmark) and compared with catalogued sequences in the NCBI Entrez Nucleotide database. A sequence similarity ≥ 94% with a reference rpoB sequence, retrieved from the database, was the cut-off value used in Paper III to determine that a an isolate belonged to a specific species, as suggested by Mellman et al. [77]. S. aureus ATCC 25923, S. capitis CCUG 35173, S. epidermidis ATCC 14990, S. lugdunensis ATCC 43809, S. saprophyticus CCUG 3706 and S. xylosus CCUG 35177 were included as control strains in PCR amplification and rpoB amplicon sequencing. The rpoB sequences were aligned and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using the CLC Sequence viewer (v.6) software (CLC bio) with neighbour joining and bootstrap


analysis. The obtained atlE, aap and ica operon DNA sequences were edited and compared to the corresponding sequences of S. epidermidis ATCC 35984, and with cataloged sequences in the NCBI Entrez Nucleotide database, to confirm that the correct gene had been amplified.

Phenotypic methods Cytolysin production Cytolysin production was detected by streaking enterococcal isolates on Columbia agar base plates (Accumedia) supplemented with horse blood (6%). Plates were incubated at 37°C in air and were analysed after 24 and 48 h of incubation. The presence of a clear zone of beta-haemolysis around the streak was considered a positive indication of cytolysin production [96].

Adhesion to urinary catheters The ability to adhere to siliconized latex urinary catheters was studied in 14 clinical isolates, chosen on the basis of genetically relatedness and species, and the control strains E. faecalis ATCC 29212, E. faecium ATCC 35667 and E. faecalis MMH 594. The clinical isolates were. E. faecalis belonging to cluster I and II with or without esp and two isolates with unique PFGE pattern without esp. Four E. faecium isolates with unique PFGE pattern, with or without esp was also included. Silicone elastomer-coated latex Foley catheters (Bard Ltd., Crawley, WS, UK) were cut in 0.7 cm long pieces these were also cut in half lengthwise to expose the inner surface. The urinary catheter pieces were weighted to make sure that they were of similar size and were thereafter autoclaved. The enterococcal isolates were grown overnight in TSB with 0.25% dextrose (Acumedia) at 37°C. The overnight culture was diluted 100 times in TSB + 0.25% dextrose and 10 µl of this suspension was added to 10 ml of fresh pre-warmed TSB + 0.25% dextrose, final concentration was ≈105 cfu/ml. Three catheter pieces were incubated at 37°C with constant gentle shaking. After 7 h of incubation the catheters were removed and washed three times in cold PBS. The number of adhered bacteria on the catheter was thereafter measured. Two catheter pieces were analysed with a bioluminescence method of bacterial ATP and one was analysed with viable count as a control method [97, 98].


The assay principle for the bioluminescense method of bacterial ATP, is based upon the measurement of ATP which is present i all metabolically active cells [99]. The method utilises an enzyme, luciferase, which catalyses the formation of light from ATP and the luciferin reagent. The emitted light intensity is linear to the ATP concentration, in direct ratio to the bacterial concentration. One bacterial cell contains approximately 10-13 mole APT [99]. For analysis of bacterial ATP each segment was placed in a tube with 500 µl of pre-warmed (100°C) 0.1 M Tris-acetate buffer with 2 mM EDTA, pH 7.75, and ATP was extracted at 100°C for 4 min. After cooling of the samples, 100 µl of ATP monitoring reagent (Labsystems Oy, Helsinki, Finland) were added and the light emission was measured immediately in a Luminova luminometer (Labsystems Oy). Sample ATP level was calculated by using a standard with a defined concentration of ATP as a reference. The number of adhered bacteria on the third catheter was measured with viable count. The catheter was placed in a tube containing 1 ml of PBS and was vortexed heavily for 15 s. The PBS suspension was serial diluted and 25 µl from each of the bacterial suspensions were plated in duplicate on PDM agar (AB Biodisk) and the number of colony forming units (cfu) was counted after 24 h of incubation at 37°C. The experiments were repeated twice on different days.

Statistical methods Paper I and II Differences in beta-lactamase production between isolates collected at different ward levels were analysed with binary logistic regression. Results were considered significantly different when p < 0.01. Differences in antibiotic susceptibility and resistance, and differences in enterococcal species distribution, between the ward levels and between the hospitals, were analysed with non-parametric statistics. When differences between three ward levels (Paper I) or three hospitals (Paper II) were analysed, Kruskal-Wallis were used with Mann-Whitney test as a post-hoc test. Results were considered statistically different when p < 0.05 for the KruskalWallis test and p < 0.017 for the Mann Whitney post hoc test. When differences between two ward levels (Paper II) were analysed, Mann-Whitney was used. Results were considered statistically significant different when p < 0.01.


Paper IV Comparison of rates of each virulence factor between isolates belonging to a cluster of genetically related isolates and unique isolates were calculated with Fisher´s exact test. Differences in number of adhering bacteria between isolates with or without the esp gene within each cluster was calculated with t-tests. Results were considered significant when p256 mg/L for the CoNS isolates at GHWs and ICUs, (Paper I and II). In both Paper I and II, the constitutive clindamycin resistance among S. aureus and CoNS has been determined. The constitutive clindamycin resistance rates for the S. aureus isolates are in agreement with the resistance levels reported for oxacillin susceptible S. aureus isolates in US, Canada, Latin America and other European countries but are low compared to the rates reported for MRSA and mixed S. aureus isolates [106108, 112]. The constitutive clindamycin resistance rates for the CoNS isolates are in agreement with other studies [106-108, 112]. MIC determination with Etest cannot detect inducible clindamycin resistance. Detection of inducible clindamycin resistance can be performed with the so called D-test [113]. In this test the clindamycin resistance is induced by erythromycin, which has been found to be the best inducer of inducible clindamycin resistance. A


search in the database at the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Linköping University Hospital showed that the rates of constitutive and inducible clindamycin resistance among the S. aureus isolates, in Östergötland County, Sweden, have varied between 2.5-4% and 0.6-2%, respectively, during the years 2006-2008 (unpublished data). Corresponding figures for CoNS isolates were 28-31% and 2.53%, respectively. In other studies inducible clindamycin resistance rates of 4-24% for S. aureus [114, 115], and 21-30% for CoNS [114], have been reported. S. aureus had high susceptibility rates for rifampicin at all ward levels both in Paper I and Paper II (99-100%). The susceptibility rates of CoNS to rifampicin were significantly different between the ward levels. The highest resistance rates were found at the ICUs (14-18%), followed by GHWs (3-3.7%) and PCCs (0%). MIC90 for CoNS and rifampicin were ≥ 256 mg/L (Paper I) and 64 mg/L (Paper II) at ICUs, but ≤ 0.016 mg/L at PCCs and GHWs in both Paper I and II. Rifampicin resistance may emerge rapidly, usually due to single nucleotide mutations in the rpoB gene. Therefore rifampicin monotherapy is not recommended [38]. In both Paper I and II, S. aureus and CoNS isolates with different levels of rifampicin resistance were found (MIC of 2 to ≥ 256 mg/L). We did not investigate the genetic background to the different levels of resistance in this thesis but others have shown that different mutations can arise that lead to either low- or high-level resistance to rifampicin among staphylococci [38, 79, 116]. Quinolones have bactericidal broad spectrum activity with intracellular activity and good bioavailability [117]. All these characteristics make the quionolones excellent antimicrobial agents. However, several resistance mechanisms have been acquired by different bacterial species and development of resistance during treatment reduces the utility of the quinolones [30]. The frequency at which bacteria acquire resistance to quinolones is 10-12 to 10-8 [30]. Staphylococci belong to the species that can become resistant to levofloxacin most easily with a single mutation step. However, in vitro almost all (97-99%) S. aureus isolates were susceptible to both moxifloxacin and levofloxacin (Paper I). The moxifloxacin and levofloxacin susceptibility was significantly lower among CoNS isolates at ICUs (48-54%) as compared to both GHWs (67-75%) and PCCs (81-83%). MIC90 for CoNS and levofloxacin were 8 mg/L at PCCs and ≥ 32 mg/L at both GHWs and ICUs while, the MIC90 for moxifloxacin were 1 mg/L, 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L at PCCs, ICUs and GHWs, respectively.


Oxacillin resistant isolates are often resistant to other antimicrobial classes as well. The high rates of multidrug resistance among staphylococci found in many European countries and the US has contributed to the widespread use of glycopeptides in hospital settings [106]. In the last decade several reports have commented on tolerance to vancomycin in connection with treatment failures. Sakoulas et al. showed that vancomycin treatment of MRSA bacteraemia was only successful in 9.5% of the cases when the vancomycin MIC for the MRSA isolates was 1-2 mg/L [118]. Glycopeptide tolerance and glycopeptide resistance has also emerged among CoNS [119, 120]. In addition, vancomycin has poor tissue distribution, slow bactericidal activity and high protein binding, which can predict poor treatment outcome [121]. Glycopeptide antibiotics diffuse poorly through agar and disc diffusion therefore typically gives small zones of inhibition which makes it hard to discriminate between susceptible, intermediate and resistant staphylococcal isolates [122]. For example, Chomarat et al. found four CoNS strains isolated from blood cultures that were teicoplanin susceptible with disc diffusion but had a teicoplanin MIC between 8 and 16 mg/L [123]. SRGA has therefore been recommending that vancomycin MIC should be determined for all serious MRSA infections and when an isolate with a vancomycin MIC of > 1 mg/L is found it should be communicated to the clinician and change of antibiotic treatment should be considered (Kahlmeter, G. and Skov, R., personal communication, SRGA-M workshop, Göteborg, Sweden, 2008). Furthermore, screening for heterogenous vancomycin intermediate staphylococci should be performed in cases of vancomycin treatment failure. In Paper I, all staphylococci were tested with teicoplanin and vancomycin Etests with high bacterial inoculums (macromethod), to be able to determine the rate of isolates with reduced glycopeptide susceptibility according to Walsh et al. [91]. Of the S. aureus isolates 3 (0.9%) had decreased susceptibility to glycopeptides, with a teicoplanin MIC of ≥12 mg/L according to the [91] criteria. All these isolates were oxacillin susceptible and were respiratory tract isolates from patients admitted to the ICUs. Forty-five (14%) of the CoNS isolates had decreased susceptibility to glycopeptides. Of these isolates, 82% had MIC values of ≥ 12mg/L for teicoplanin and 18% had MIC values of ≥8 mg/L for both teicoplanin and vancomycin. At PCCs 6.8% of the CoNS isolates had decreased glycopeptide susceptibility while corresponding figures were 13% at GHWs and 23% at the ICUs. In Paper II, all of the S. aureus and CoNS isolates were susceptible to vancomycin at both ward levels.


Vancomycin MIC was ≥ 2 mg/L for 83% of the MRSA, and 50% of the oxacillin susceptible S. aureus in Paper II. MIC90 was 2 mg/L at both GHWs and ICUs for the S. aureus isolates. For CoNS the vancomycin MIC was ≥ 2 mg/L for 93% of the oxacillin resistant and 78% of the oxacillin susceptible isolates in Paper II. The MIC90 was 4 mg/L for the CoNS isolates at both ward levels. Vancomycin and teicoplanin MIC determination with Etest of 27 CoNS isolates, that were found to be glycopeptide intermediate in Paper I, showed that all of these isolates had vancomycin MICs of 2-4 mg/L and teicoplanin MICs of 2-12 mg/L (unpublished data). Reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides has usually been associated with oxacillin resistance [21, 124], but both we and others [125] found oxacillin/methicillin susceptible S. aureus that were shown to be vancomycin tolerant or vancomycin intermediate. Preliminary data shows that when applying the macromethod on the CoNS isolates from Paper II, 9 of 149 (6%) of the GHW isolates and 9 of 49 (18%) of the ICU isolates have reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides (unpublished data). All of these CoNS isolates had a vancomycin MIC of 2 mg/L and a teicoplanin MICs of 2-6 mg/L (unpublished data). These results are in accordance with the results in Paper I and in a recently published study by Natoli et al. [126]. A previous study has shown that the incidence of CoNS with reduced susceptibility to teicoplanin was significantly correlated with the use of glycopeptides [127]. Although glycopeptide use was not assessed in Paper I and Paper II, one can speculate that the results were due, at least to some extent, to the use of glycopeptides since the highest rates of S. aureus and CoNS with reduced susceptibility to glycocpeptides were found among hospitalised patients (GHWs and ICUs). Linezolid is a synthetic antibiotic that can be administrated either intravenously or orally and has a bacteriostatic effect on staphylococci [128]. Linezolid is relevant for therapy of nosocomial pneumonia, community-acquired pneumonia and complicated skin and soft-tissue infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci (including Streptococcus pneumoniae) and enterococci, especially when these organisms are resistant to other appropriate antimicrobial agents. In Paper II, all staphylococci, both S. aureus and CoNS isolates were susceptible to linezolid at both GHWs and ICUs. The MIC90 for both S. aureus and CoNS were 2 mg/L which is in accordance with other studies [108, 129-131]. In a later study, twenty staphylococcal isolates with reduced susceptibility to linezolid were found. Most of these isolates had a specific mutation in 23S while two isolates contained a mobile


cfr element [132]. In the last year an outbreak with linezolid resistant MRSA, due to acquisition of the cfr gene, including 15 patients, has been reported from Spain [133]. Furthermore, mutations in 23S leading to linezolid resistance has been shown to emerge in MRSA isolates after long-term, repeated use of linezolid [134]. A validation and reproducibility assessment of tigecycline MIC determination with Etest, used in Paper II, has been published by Bolmström et al. [135]. In that study, MIC determination with Etest showed excellent inter- and intra-laboratory reproducibility for all organism groups tested regardless of the test methodology. Furthermore, the use of Etest for tigecycline MIC determination circumvents the problem with the importance of using freshly prepared tigecycline containing broth or oxygen reduced broth when tigecycline MIC is determined with the broth dilution method [136]. Use of older prepared tigecycline containing broth can increase the MIC by as much as 2-8 fold due to oxidation of tigecycline. All (100%) S. aureus isolates were susceptible to tigecycline at both GHWs and ICUs (Paper II). MIC90 were 0.125 mg/L at both ward levels for the S. aureus isolates. Of the CoNS isolates 98% at the GHWs and 99% at the ICUs were tigecycline susceptible. Nine CoNS isolates had a tigecycline MIC of 1 mg/L and were considered tigecycline resistant. These isolates were found at at all hospitals and at both ward levels. Eight of these isolates belonged to the species Staphylococcus haemolyticus while one was a Staphylococcus epidermidis, determined by 16S rDNA sequencing. The MIC90 for CoNS and tigecycline was 0.5 mg/L at both GHWs and ICUs. Kronvall et al. applied the normalised resistance interpretation (NRI) method on the Etest MIC results of S. aureus and CoNS for tigecycline obtained in Paper II [137]. The calculated epidemiological MIC cut-off level was found to be 0.44 mg/L for S. aureus and 0.96 mg/L for CoNS. The NRI cut-off level for S. aureus is in agreement with the species related susceptibility breakpoint ≤ 0.5 mg/L for tigecycline, set by SRGA and EUCAST (www.srga.org, www.eucast.org), used in Paper II. The NRI cut-off level for CoNS is however, not in agreement with the SRGA and EUCAST susceptibility breakpoint for tigecycline. If the calculated NRI cut-off level (0.96 mg/L) had been used as the tigecycline susceptibility breakpoint, i.e. ≤ 1 mg/L, all CoNS isolates in Paper II would have been interpreted as susceptible to tigecycline. Four of the tigecycline resistant S. haemolyticus isolates were MDR. S. haemolyticus is known to be less susceptible to antimicrobial agents than other CoNS species [100]. The tigecycline wild type distribution according to


EUCAST is in the range 0.064-1 mg/L for S. haemolyticus, while the range is 0.0320.5 mg/L for other CoNS species. Other studies have also reported S. haemolyticus with a tigecycline MIC range of up to 1-2 mg/L [41, 42]. Tigecycline is a bacteriostatic drug but since it has good penetration into tissue, the concentration of tigecycline in lung tissue and bone exceeded that found in serum several fold [35], it could be a candidate for treatment of biofilm related infections. One study found that tigecycline and minocycline demonstrated more killing of adherent S. epidermidis isolates than vancomycin and daptomycin [138]. Another study found that tigecycline was minimally effective on biofilm living MRSA and that the tigecycline MIC increased for biofilm growing MRSA but remained within the susceptibility breakpoint [139]. However, published papers about tigecycline treatment outcome of biofilm related infections in patients is lacking. In Paper I, two S. aureus isolates (both from ICUs) were resistant to ≥3 antimicrobial agents, belonging to groups with different modes of action, and were considered multidrug resistant (MDR). Both of these isolates were oxacillin resistant. The third oxacillin resistant S. aureus isolate from ICU was in addition to oxacillin resistant also resistant to gentamicin, while both of the oxacillin resistant S. aureus isolates found at GHWs were susceptible to all other antibiotics tested. The three glycopeptide intermediate S. aureus isolates were susceptible to all other antimicrobial agents tested including oxacillin. In Paper II, 3 of the oxacillin resistant and mecA-positive S. aureus isolates from GHWs were also resistant to clindamycin, fusidic acid and/or rifampicin and considered as MDR. MDR CoNS were found at all ward levels, 12% from PCCs were MDR, while corresponding figures were 11-33% and 30-64% for GHWs and ICUs, respectively (Paper I and II). Most (78-97%) of the multidrug resistant CoNS were oxacillin resistant at all ward levels. Overall, 14% of the CoNS isolates were glycopeptide intermediate and 43%, 64% and 92% of these, from PCCs, GHWs and ICUs respectively, were MDR including oxacillin resistant. The MDR rates for CoNS were significantly higher at the ICUs compared to GHWs and PCCs which is in agreement with the results of a study by Agvald-Öhman et al. who found that a prolonged ICU stay resulted in a significant higher risk of colonisation with MDR CoNS isolates [140]. Most of the MDR CoNS in Paper I were resistant to ≥ 3 of the following antimicrobial agents, oxacillin, clindamycin, gentamicin, reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides, quinolones and TMP/SMX.


S. aureus had low resistance rates to all antimicrobial agents tested in Paper I and II. The resistance rates found for S. aureus in the north European countries and Sweden is in agreement with the rates reported for methicillin/oxacillin susceptible S. aureus isolates in other European countries and from other parts of the world [100, 104, 106, 109]. However, the resistance rates found in Paper I and II for the CoNS isolates are in the same level as resistance rates reported from Europe, US, Canada and Latin America [100, 101, 106, 109]. The resistance rates for S. aureus and CoNS isolates did not change significantly from 1999-2000 (Paper I) to 20032004 (Paper II). Furthermore, the resistance rates for CoNS seem to have remained stable at the ICUs in south-eastern Sweden since 1993 [102, 103].

Antimicrobial susceptibility of enterococci Paper I and II In Paper I, 609 enterococci were included, 101 E. faecium (16 at PCCs, 37 at GHWs and 48 at ICUs) and 508 E. faecalis (204 at PCCs, 178 at GHWs and 126 at ICUs). In Paper II, 670 enterococci were included, 241 E. faecium (182 at GHWs and 59 at ICUs) and 492 E. faecalis (300 at GHWs and 129 at ICUs). In Paper I, there was a statistical significant difference between the ward levels in E. faecium/E. faecalis distribution. The prevalence of E. faecium was significantly lower at PCCs (7.3%) as compared to GHWs (17%) and ICUs (28%). This is in accordance with the findings from several other studies [14, 22, 141]. In Paper II, there was no significant difference in E. faecium/E. faecalis distribution between the ward levels. Both the E. faecium and E. faecalis isolates were mainly isolated from urine (Paper I and II), blood and central venous line (Paper I) and, skin and soft tissue (Paper II). The resistance rate for ampicillin (62-88%), piperacillin/tazobactam (93%) and imipenem (77-94%) were high among E. faecium in both Paper I and II. All ampicillin resistant E. faecium, in Paper II, were also piperacillin/tazobactam and imipenem resistant. Some ampicillin susceptible (n=9) or ampicillin and piperacillin/tazobactam susceptible (n=4) E. faecium isolates, showed decreased susceptibility (intermediate or resistance) to piperacillin/tazobactam and imipenem or imipenem alone, respectively. In Paper II, E. faecium isolates were more resistant to piperacillin/tazobactam (93%) and imipenem (92%) compared to ampicillin (7688%) which is in agreement with other studies [13, 142]. Almost all E. faecalis isolates were susceptible to ampicillin (98-100%), imipenem (96-100%) and


piperacillin/tazobactam (99-100%) at all ward levels in both Paper I and II. This is in agreement with several other studies [13, 104, 107, 129, 142]. Four of 16 (25%) of the E. faecium isolates from PCCs were high-level gentamicin resistant (HLGR), (MIC ≥ 128 mg/L) in Paper I. Corresponding figures were 1114% for GHWs and 5.1-19% for the ICUs (Paper I and II). There was a significantly lower percentage of HLGR among E. faecalis isolates from PCCs (5.8%) as compared to isolates from both GHWs (20%) and ICUs (17%), in Paper I. This is in accordance with Barisic and Punda-Polic, who also found a significant difference in HLGR rates among enterococci between hospitalised patients and outpatients [22] while Simonsen at al. did not [14]. The highest E. faecium HLGR percentage in Paper I was found at PCCs, which might be due to the low number of E. faecium isolates from PCCs included in the study, which make the results uncertain. In Paper II, HLGR were found among 12% of the E. faecalis from GHWs and among 20% from the ICUs. These HLGR rates are in accordance with levels reported from some European countries [141]. From other European countries and the Acia-Pacific region twice as high HLGR levels have been reported [22, 107, 131, 141]. Data from EARSS 2008, shows that HLGR were found among 10-25% of the E. faecalis isolates in Sweden, Finland, France, Switzerand and Austria while 25->50% HLGR E. faecalis were found in the other European countries (www.rivm.nl/earss). Corresponding data for E. faecium HLGR were 5-10% in UK, 10-25% in Sweden and Finland, 25-50% in central Europe and > 50% in Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Greece and some countries in the south-east of Europe. In both Paper I and II, HLGR were found among both E. faecium and E. faecalis, which is in accordance with the findings from some studies [22, 141]. However, in two other studies, 7% and 20% of the E. faecalis isolates, respectively, were HLGR, while not a single E. faecium isolate with HLGR was found [13, 143]. In Paper I 100% and in Paper II 96% of the E. faecium isolates that were HLGR were also ampicillin resistant, while the corresponding figure found by Simonsen et al. were 67% [14]. The high rate of co-resistance between ampicillin and HLGR among E. faecium is worrying since it eliminates the possibility to take advantage of the synergistic effect between beta-lactam antibiotics and aminoglycosides in the treatment of patients[144]. Co-resistance between gentamicin and quinolones were also found since all E. faecium and 90% of the E. faecalis isolates with HLGR had a MIC of ≥32mg/L for levofloxacin alone or for both levofloxacin and moxifloxacin


(Paper I). These results are in accordance with the results from a study carried out at Swedish ICUs as well as a pan-Eurpean study [13, 141]. No susceptibility rates for moxifloxacin and levofloxacin could be given for the enterococcal isolates since no species related breakpoints were available from either SRGA or EUCAST, when Paper I was published. The MIC90 value for both antimicrobial agents and both species were ≥ 32 mg/L at all ward levels. The E. faecalis isolates had lower MIC50 values for both moxifloxacin (0.25 mg/L) and levofloxacin (2 mg/L) at all ward levels as compared to the E. faecium isolates, 2 to 8 mg/L to moxifloxacin, and 8 to ≥ 32 mg/L to levofloxacin (Paper I). When the study in Paper I was accomplished moxifloxacin was a new quinolone with characteristics such as bactericidal broad spectrum activity, intracellular activity and good bioavailability [117] that made it a candidate in Paper I together with levofloxacin as a comparative quinolone. Since enterococci have aquired several resistance mechanisms against quinolones [30] the results in Paper I showed low susceptibility to moxifloxacin and levofloxacin. Today moxifloxacin and levofloxacin are not considered as treatment alternatives for infections caused by enterococci (www.srga.org and www.eucast.org).

Despite the use of a high bacterial inoculum, in the glycopeptide susceptibility testing of enterococci, low rates of vancomycin intermediate and vancomycin resistant isolates were found in Paper I. Of the E. faecium isolates 1 (3%) were vancomycin intermediate at GHWs and 1 (2%) were vancomycin resistant (MIC = 16 mg/L) at ICUs. In Paper II, 1 (2%) of the E. faecium isolates from ICUs and 1 (0.4%) from GHWs were vancomycin intermediate. None of these E. faecium isolates carried the vanA or vanB gene. Of the E. faecium isolates in paper II, 3 (5.1%) were vancomycin-resistant (MIC 32-256 mg/l) and vanB-positive at ICUs, and 3 (1.6%) E. faecium isolates were vancomycin resistant (MIC 64 mg/l) and vanBpositive at GHWs. All vanB-positive E. faecium isolates, in paper II, were detected at one of the hospitals. This difference between the hospitals was not statistically significant. No vancomycin intermediate or resistant E. faecalis isolates were found in Paper II. The vancomycin intermediate and resistance rates found in Paper I and II are in accordance with a pan-European study, performed in 1997, where the overall VRE prevalence was found to be 0.5%, with the highest frequence (2.7%) found in UK [141]. In another study, carried out in north European hospitals during the same period, no enterococcal isolates with acquired vancomycin resistance was found [14]. More recent EARSS data from 2008 shows that


vancomycin resistance rates for E. faecium were < 1% to 5% in the north European countries, 1-10% in central Europe and 25-50% in UK and Greece (www.rivm.nl/earss). Corresponding figures for E. faecalis isolates were < 1% in most of the European countries, 1-5% in UK, Italy and Portugal while 5-10% of the E. faecalis isolates in Greece were VRE. The majority of VRE E. faecium isolates spreading around the world causing the majority of nosocomial infections and outbreaks belong to the clonal complex CC17 [145]. Increasing numbers of ampicillin resistant E. faecium preceeded the growing rates of VRE both in the US and in Europe [33]. Leavis et al. showed that a distinct high-risk enterococcal complex (CC17), associated with hospital outbreaks of VRE on five continents, was strongly correlated with ampicillin resistance. Therfore it is conluded that acquisition of ampicillin resistance was one of the first steps in the “hospital adaptation” of the enterococcal isolates and the CC17 clonal complex [33, 146]. Ampicillin resistance was followed by resistance to fluoroquinolones and then aquistion of the vanA or vanB gene [145]. This seems to be true also for Sweden and the other north European countries. Ampicillin resistance and quinolon resistance among E. faecium is high (Paper I and II) and outbreaks with vancomycin resistant enterococci, harbouring the vanA or vanB gene, has already taken place in Sweden, Paper II and [147]. All vanB-positive E. faecium isolates, found in Paper II, were, in addition to vancomycin resistant, also resistant to ampicillin, imipenem and piperacillin/tazobactam. One vanB-positive E. faecium isolate was also HLGR and was considered MDR. This was the only MDR E. faecium that was found. All E. faecalis at PCCs (Paper I), GHWs (Paper I and II) and ICUs (Paper II) were susceptible to vancomycin. In Paper I, 2 (2%) of the E. faecalis isolates from ICUs were vancomycin intermediate and 1 (1%) was vancomycin resistant (MIC = 16 mg/L). No MDR E. faecalis isolates were found in Paper I or Paper II. The NRI calculated cut-off level for tigecycline and E. faecalis was 0.30 mg/L. Corresponding figure for E. faecium was 0.27 mg/L [137]. These NRI cut-off levels are in agreement with the SRGA and EUCAST species related susceptible breakpoint i.e. ≤ 0.25 mg/L used in Paper II. All E. faecium isolates, including VRE and HLGR, and E. faecalis isolates were susceptible to teicoplanin (Paper I), linezolid (Paper II) and tigecycline (Paper II) at all ward levels. This is in accordance with several other studies where all enterococci were linezolid and/or tigecycline susceptible [42, 107, 108, 131]. In an other studie, enterococci with reduced susceptibility to linezolid and/or tigecycline have been reported [112].


It has been postulated that tigecyclines prolonged half-life, a post antibiotic effect and hom*ogenous diffusion into the cardiac vegetation could enhance the in vivo activity of tigecycline against enterococci located in valvular regions [32]. Tigecycline also showed 2-log10 decrease in colony forming units, in cardiac vegetations, for vancomycin susceptible and resistant E. faecalis isolates in a rat model of endocarditis at 48h, compared with untreated control. Tigecycline also exhibited better clearance of bacteria than vancomycin [32]. However, as for staphylococci, published papers about the outcome of tigecycline treatment in patients with biofilm related infections caused by enterococci is lacking.

rpoB amplicon sequencing of CoNS isolates Paper III In Paper III, we included MDR and susceptible CoNS isolates from Paper II, and wanted to evaluate the ability to determine CoNS isolates to the species level with rpoB sequencing. We also wanted to determine which CoNS species that were represented among the clinical CoNS isolates. The rpoB amplicon sequences obtained were edited and compared with catalogued sequences in the NCBI Entrez Nucleotide database using the BLAST program (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). When the rpoB sequence from the clinical isolate showed more than 94% sequence similarity with a catalogued sequence from a specific species, and the sequence differed with more than 5% to the next species, the clinical isolate was determined to belong to that specific species. DNA sequence comparison revealed that all rpoB sequences from the clinical isolates showed at least 97% sequence similarity with a specific rpoB sequence from a reference strain or from another strain of a specific species in the NCBI Entrez Nucleotid database. Furthermore, all rpoB sequences from the clinical isolates differed with 7-12% to the next species. Twenty-six of 28 (93%) of the MDR CoNS isolates were found to be S. epidermidis and only 2 of 28 (7%) were S. haemolyticus. No other CoNS species had a MDRphenotype. Of the susceptible CoNS isolates 27 of 48 (56%) were S. epidermidis. Six other CoNS species, namely S. capitis (n=7), S. warneri (n=5), S. lugdunensis (n=4), S. caprae (n=2), S. simulans (n=2) and S. hominis (n=1) could be identified in the susceptible group. Most other studies also found S. epidermidis to be the most


abundant species among clinical CoNS isolates while the frequencies of the other species varied between different populations and hospital settings [148, 149]. The phylogenetic tree analysis of the rpoB sequences is in good agreement with the species determination by BLAST search in the NCBI nucleotide database. The rpoB sequences from the clinical isolates that belonged to the same species formed distinct clusters in the phylogenetic tree with a bootstrap value of 100 (see Figure 1 in Paper III). Four species, S. hominis, S. saprophyticus, S. xylosus and S. aureus, were only represented by one isolate each and these isolates did not cluster together with any of the other species in the phylogenetic tree. The S. capitis isolates number 54, 70 and 71 clustered together with the reference strain CCUG 35173 representing S. capitis subspecies capitis (Figure 1). The rpoB sequences from these four S. capitis isolates also aligned with a S. capitis subsp. capitis sequence [Gene Bank: AF325885] in the nucleotide database. Isolates number 34 and 44 clustered together in the phylogenetic tree. Most likely both these isolates belong to the species S. capitis subsp. urealyticum [Gene Bank: DQ120729.1]. However, this could not be determined with certainty since the rpoB sequence of these two isolates did not align with any ATCC, CCUG or other S. capitis subsp. urealyticum reference strain in the nucleotide database nor did we have any reference strain of this supspecies available. Isolate number 39 probably belongs to the S. hominis subsp. novobiosepticus since the rpoB sequence was very similar to a strain [Gene Bank: DQ120738.1] belonging to this subspecies in the nucleotide database. Several studies have shown that sequencing of the rpoB gene is a reliable genotypic method for determining CoNS isolates to the species and subspecies level [77, 79, 81, 82]. rpoB gene sequencing has also been shown to have more sequence differences between Staphylococcus species than 16S rDNA and tuf gene sequences [80]. Other genes that have been sequenced and used to determine the species of staphylococci isolates are gap [150], sodA [151, 152] and dnaJ [153]. A PCR amplification method of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer length polymorphism analysis region has also been used for species determination of staphylococci [154]. All these methods have been shown to be useful for species identification of staphylococci with different diversity within and between different species.


Presence of the atlE and aap genes and the ica operon in S. epidermidis Paper III The resistance levels found in Paper I and II are low compared to other countries for S. aureus but resistance levels are comparable to other countries for CoNS isolates. Additional resistance or tolerance to antimicrobial agents can be the result when bacteria adhere to surfaces, aggregate to each other and form biofilms on medical devices [53]. Klingenberg et al. found that antibiotic resistance was more frequent in biofilm-positive than biofilm-negative S. epidermidis isolates [155]. Adhesion, aggregation and biofilm formation has been found to be the major virulence mechanism of the otherwise not so pathogenic CoNS isolates. MDR and susceptible S. epidermidis isolates from Paper II were therefore investigated for the presence of the atlE, aap genes and ica operon in their genome. Other CoNS species have also been found to carry the atlE gene (S. haemolyticus) and ica operon (for example S. haemolyticus and S. capitis) [156, 157]. However, we choose to compare the S. epidermidis isolates only since it is the most abundant CoNS species found in biofilm related infections [157]. In Paper III, all MDR and 26 of 27 (96%) of the susceptible S. epidermidis isolates carried the atlE gene (Table 4). This is in accordance with other studies that also found atlE to be common among isolates from healthy volunteers, colonising isolates from hospitalised patients and invasive isolates causing bacteraemia [158160]. The atlE gene has also been found in high frequencies (85-100%) among S. epidermidis isolates from prosthetic joint infections, catheter-related infections and pacemaker-related infections [161-163]. De Araujo and colleagues found lower percentages of atlE carriage than reported by us and the above mentioned studies, 68% among methicillin resistant S. epidermidis isolates from hospitalised patients compared to around 40% from the skin of healthy individuals and personal and patients in a home-care system [164]. We did not find any differences between MDR and susceptible S. epidermidis isolates regarding carriage of atlE. This is in accordance with a study by Klingenberg et al. who did not find any correlation between atlE carriage and antibiotic resistance among CoNS isolates from neonates with sepsis [155]. Nilsdotter-Augustinsson et al. [165] found that vitronectin binding was more common among S. epidermidis isolated from peri-prosthetic tissue, taken from


patients with infected hip prosthesis, than among S. epidermidis normal flora isolates. Li et al. found several vitronectin binding factors in a S. epidermidis isolate from a patient with a shunt infection [166]. The highest affinity for vitronectin had a 52 kDa glucosaminidase protein identified as an autolysin [166]. Heilmann et al. also found that the autolysin AtlE protein exhibited vitronectin-binding which indicates a role for AtlE in adhesion of the bacterial cell both to naked and plasma coated polystyrene surfaces [47]. In a rat model of S. epidermidis catheter related infection, the atlE expression remained stable for up to two weeks after implantation of the catheters [167]. These data would suggest a role for AtlE also in the maintenance of biofilm-associated infections in vivo [167]. Eight of 26 (30%) of the MDR and 9 of 27 (33%) of the susceptible S. epidermidis isolates, in Paper III, carried the ica operon. This is accordance with NilsdotterAugustinsson et al. that found the icaADB in one third of the S. epidermidis isolates from patients with hip prostheses infections [157]. It is also in agreement with other studies that have found the ica operon among 26% of S. epidermidis isolate from pacemaker associated infections [162], 18% from pediatric patients receiving chemotherapy [168], 43% from prostheses infections [169], and among 45% from catheter-related and other nosocomial infections [170]. We did not find any difference in ica operon carriage between susceptible and MDR S. epidermidis isolates in Paper III. Some other studies have although found that resistance to antimicrobial agents was more frequent in isolates that carried the ica operon [148, 170]. Galdbart et al. concluded that the presence of the ica operon was the best trait that differentiated between infectious S. epidermidis strains isolated from patients with joint prosthesis infection and skin-flora strains [161]. Others have also found the ica operon to be more abundant among clinical than among colonising and contaminating S. epidermidis isolates [158, 160, 161, 171]. However, others could not find any differences in the ica operon carriage between commensal, contaminants and invasive S. epidermidis isolates from hospitalised patients [148, 159]. In Paper III, ica operon carriage was somewhat more abundant among S. epidermidis isolates from ICUs, 9 of 24 (37%), than from GHWs, 8 of 29 (27%) but we did not find any difference between MDR and susceptible S. epidermidis isolates in carriage of the ica operon. This can be explained by the fact that all isolates in Paper III are isolated from patients that have been hospitalised for shorter or longer periods but the CoNS isolates were not necessarily the cause of their infections.


All S. epidermidis isolates that were found to be ica-positive, in Paper III, carried the entire part of the ica operon amplified, from the end of icaA to the beginning of icaC. This is in accordance with other studies that have found that the ica operon genes among S. epidermidis isolates seemes strictly linked to each other since they were either all present or all absent [169]. S. capitis isolates has although been found to be icaA-positive but icaD-negative [159].

Table 4: Pattern of atlE and aap genes and ica operon carriage among multidrug resistant (MDR) and susceptible Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates. MDR S. epidermidis

Susceptible S. epidermidis

atlE gene + + +

aap gene +

ica operon + +

atlE gene + + + + -

aap gene + + -

ica operon + + -

Number of isolates (n) 18 1 7 Number of isolates (n) 11 3 6 6 1

Percentage of isolates (%) 69.2 3.8 26.9 Percentage of isolates (%) 40.7 11.1 22.2 22.2 3.7

Table 5: Pattern of atlE and aap genes and ica operon carriage among Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates from intensive care units (ICUs) and general hospital wards (GHWs). S. epidermidis ICUs

atlE gene +

aap gene -

ica operon -

Number of isolates (n) 15











atlE gene +

aap gene -

ica operon -

Number of isolates (n) 14

Percentage of isolates (%) 48,3





















S. epidermidis GHWs


Percentage of isolates (%) 62,5

Vandecasteele et al found that the expression of icaA in S. epidermidis increased 12 times directly after implantation of a catheter in a rat and peaked after 60 min [167]. Thereafter, the icaA expression remained stable for up to 12 h after implantation. Vandecasteele et al concluded that these results provided evidence for a possible role for the ica products in primary adhesion and not in the persistence of the foreign body infection [167]. Carriage of the aap gene was more common among susceptible S. epidermidis isolates 12 of 27 (44%) as compared to 7 of 26 (27%) of the MDR isolates, respectively. Overall, aap gene carriage was also more common among S. epidermidis isolates from GHWs, 13 of 29 (44%), as compared to ICUs, 6 of 24 (25%), (Table 5). Other studies that have found aap among 46% S. epidermidis isolates from central venous catheters and among 40% from healthy individuals [163, 164]. Among patients and health care workers in a home-care system, 57% of the S. epidermids isolates carried the aap gene while corresponding figure was 64% from hospitalised patients [164]. In another study the aap gene was found among as much as 93% of invasive S. epidermidis isolates from bone marrow transplant patients, among 92% of these patients commensal S. epidermidis flora and among 87% of the S. epidermidis isolates from healthy individuals [158]. In a proteomic study the aap gene was shown to be highly expressed in the biofilmpositive strain S. epidermidis RP62A [172]. An aap mutant S. epidermidis RP62A strain was indistinguishable in all of the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics tested, except that it failed to accumulate when it was attached to plastics or glass [50]. Furthermore, the accumulation of the S. epidermidis RP62A was completely inhibited by antiserum directed towards the Aap. The investigator therefore conluded that aap have a role in the accumulation of the bacterial cells [50]. In addition, Vandecasteele et al. studied the expression of the aap gene and found that there was a progressive decline in the expression that started 15 min after implantation of the catheters in a rat model for catheter associated infections [167]. The maximum aap expression was found after 15 min and the minimum expression after two weeks [167] and they concluded that their data supported that aap has a role in the establishment but not in the maintenance of biofilm-associated infections [167].


Aap has been suggested to mediate ica operon independent biofilm formation. Rohde et al. found that 27% of biofilm-forming S. epidermidis isolates from prosthetic joint infections were ica operon-negative and that the biofilm formation in most of them appeared to be mediated by Aap [173]. In Paper III, none of the MDR and only 6 of 27 (22%) susceptible S. epidermidis isolates found carried aap without the ica operon. In addition, de Araujo et al. did not find a single S. epidermidis isolate that carried the aap gene without the presence of the ica operon [164]. The atlE gene was the only gene that was present alone in the genom of the S. epidermidis isolates in Paper III. All isolates that carried an aap gene and/or the ica operon also had the atlE gene in their genome (Table 4 and 5). In contrast, the atlE gene was found not to be linked to the presence of either the aap gene or to the ica operon. It was most common among the MDR 18 of 26, (69%) compared to the susceptible 11 of 27 (40%) S. epidermidis isolates to carry altE alone in their genome (Table 4). Overall, to carry atlE alone or atlE together with the ica operon was more likely among S. epidermidis isolates from the ICUs as compared to isolates from the GHWs, 62% and 12% and, 48% and 3%, respectively (Table 5 ). Bradford et al. found that 33%, 37% and 80% of invasive, contaminant and commensal S. epidermidis isolates respectively carried the atlE gene without the presence of the ica operon [159]. However, de Araujo et al. only found one S. epidermidis isolate that carried the atlE gene alone without carriage of the aap and the icaAD genes [164]. Carriage of atlE together with aap (20%) was only found among susceptible S. epidermids isolates from GHWs, in Paper III, and one susceptible isolate did not carry any of the two genes or the ica operon. Of the MDR and susceptible isolates, 7 of 26 (27%) and 6 of 27 (22%) respectively, carried the atlE and aap genes and the ica operon simultaneous (Table 4). This is in accordance with Petrelli et al. that found that 22 of 67 (33%) S. epidermidis isolates from central venous catheters carried the ica operon and the atlE and aap genes simultaneously [163]. In another studie 15 out of 16 invasive sepsis isolates of S. epidermidis and at least 80% of the commensal isolates from hospitalised patients carried all the genes simultaneously. De Araujo et al. found that all methicillin resistant S. epidermidis isolates that were found to be strong biofilm producers, in a 96-well tissue culture plate assay, carried all the genes simultaneously [164]. Furthermore, all strong biofilm producers were found to be multidrug resistant [164]. Others have also found significantly more resistance among biofilm producing S. epidermidis isolates [174]. In Paper III we did not study the biofilm


formation but we did not find any differences between MDR and susceptible S. epidermidis isolates in carriage of the adhesion and aggregation genes either.

Presence of the asa1 gene in enterococci Paper IV Bioinformatic analysis revealed that the asa1 primers, used in PaperIV, target the asa1 gene found in both E. faecalis and E. faecium. However, we did not detect asa1 in any of the E. faecium isolates. This is accordance with most other studies [175, 176]. However, Elsner et al. found asa1 in a low frequency (13%) among E. faecium blood isolates [177]. In contrast, asa1 was found in 74 of 94 (79%) E. faecalis isolates from Paper IV, (Table 6). The asa1 was detected in all isolates belonging to cluster I (n = 46) and cluster II (n = 9), but in no isolates belonging to cluster III. Among E. faecalis isolates with unique PFGE patterns, asa1 was found in 19 of 35 (54%) isolates. Isolates belonging to a cluster were significantly more often asa1 positive than unique isolates (p < 0.01). This is in accordance with a previous study where asa1 was found in 100% of clonally related blood isolates but in only 32% of nonrelated blood isolates [93]. In other studies, were no genotyping was done, asa1 was found in 33-78% of clinical isolates [175-178].

Presence of the cyl operon and cytolysin production in enterococci Paper IV In Paper IV, all of the cylA, cylB, cylM, cylLL, and cylLS genes were detected in 12 of 94 (13%) E. faecalis isolates (Table 6). The cyl genes were detected in 7 of 46 (15%) E. faecalis isolates belonging to cluster I. Among E. faecalis isolates with unique PFGE patterns, all of the cyl genes were detected in 5 of 35 (14%) isolates. The cyl genes were not detected in any isolates belonging to cluster II or III. There was no difference in the rate of isolates carrying the cyl operon between unique isolates and isolates belonging to a cluster (p = 0.76). All of the cyl genes (cylA, cylB, cylM, cylLL, cylLS) were detected in all isolates with phenotypic cytolysin production. None of the cyl genes were found in any of the phenotypically cytolysin-negative isolates. This is in accordance with previous studies on E. faecalis where 11-33% of clinical isolates produced cytolysin [96, 175, 177-179]. Cytolysin production has been


shown to be more frequently detected among blood isolates as compared to faeces isolates from healty individuals and endocarditis isolates [178]. However, only 1 of 24 (4%) E. faecalis blood isolates in Paper IV produced cytolysin compared to 11 of 70 (16%) E. faecalis clinical isolates from various sites. The cyl operon was only detected in 15% of the isolates belonging to cluster I although, the isolates within this cluster showed very similar PFGE patterns. This is in accordance with Shankar et al. who found that in two E. faecalis strains, isolated from the same patient and exhibiting almost identical PFGE patterns, the cyl operon and the esp gene were only found in one of the isolates [90]. The difference was due to an excision of a 17 kb segment. The production of cytolysin is a complicated process and includes products from eight genes in the cyl operon [71]. Semedo et al. compared PCR-based detection of the cyl operon with a phenotypic cytolysin production assay and revealed that altough ≥ 1 gene belonging to the cyl operon was found in 88% of clinical isolates, phenotypic cytolysin production was only detected in 33% of isolates [96]. In contrast to these findings, we did not find any isolate with cytolysin production that carried less than five genes belonging to the cyl operon, and the isolates that did not produce cytolysin lacked all the cytolysin genes. None of the E. faecium carried any of the genes in the cyl operon nor were they shown to be cytolysin producers on the blood agar plates. Neither the cyl primers, used in Paper IV, nor the E. faecalis cyl gene sequence matched with any hom*ologue E. faecium sequences found in the NCBI Entrez Nucleotide database. Our results are in agreement with Vankerckhoven et al. who did not find any cyl genes with PCR in E. faecium either [180].

Presence of the esp gene in enterococci and adhesion to urinary catheters Paper IV Enterococcal surface protein esp was the only virulence factor detected in E. faecium isolates and was found in 15 of 21 (71%) isolates (Table 6). This is in accordance with other studies that found esp among 58-72% of the E. faecium isolates [176, 181, 182]. Three out of 4 (75%) blood isolates and 12 of 17 (70%) rectal isolates carried the esp gene. The esp gene was found among 67% of the isolates with unique PFGE


patterns, and 88%, 100% and 0% of isolates blonging to cluster 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Several previous studies have shown that esp is a marker for widely disseminated clones of antibiotic-resistant E. faecium [60, 183-185]. In Paper IV we found that all E. faecium isolates, except one, belonging to cluster 2, a clone with ampicillin and high-level gentamicin resistant E. faecium isolates that caused frequent cross-colonisation within an ICU [88], carried the esp gene. However, we also found esp in both E. faecium isolates belonging to cluster 3 (both non-HLGR) and among isolates with unique PFGE patterns (3 HLGR and 3 non-HLGR). In a recent study, Billström et al. found that a majority of E. faecium isolates that carried esp clustered above 85% identity with PFGE [186]. The most common profile esppositive and resistant to ampicillin, ciprofloxacin and imipenem dominated in the tertiary hospital whereas 38% from secondary hospitals and 8% from primary hospitals expressed this profile [186]. A total of 43 patients were involved in crosstransmission events that were the result of 14 different strains, each isolated from two to nine patients [186]. Furthermore, eight of these strains were spread between the hospitals [186]. Among E. faecalis, esp was found in 69 of 94 (73%) isolates (Table 6). The gene was detected in 91%, 78%, and 100% of clusters I, II, and III, respectively, and in 46% of isolates with unique PFGE patterns. The difference between E. faecalis isolates belonging to a cluster and unique isolates with respect to the carriage of esp was statistically significant (p < 0.01). Our results are in accordance with others that have found esp among 60-72% of the E. faecalis isolates [176, 178]. Archimbaud et al. found that the esp gene, was significantly enriched among blood and endocarditis isolates than among faeces isolates [178]. Others have found esp to be enriched among blood isolates but not among endocarditis isolates [187]. In Paper IV we did not find any difference in the frequency of esp-positive E. faecalis between blood isolates 16 of 24 (67%) and clinical isolates from various sites 53 of 70 (76%). This can be due to that all our isolates are clinical isolates from hospitalised patients and that we did not compare the presence of the esp gene in our clinical isolates with faeces isolates from healthy individuals. Urine catheters are tubular latex or silicone devises which when inserted in patients may readily aquire biofilms on the inner or outer surface [45]. The organisms that often contaminate the catheters are S. epidermidis, E. faecalis and Gram-negative bacteria and the longer the urinary catheter remains in place the greater the tendency of the bacteria to develope biofilms [45]. The esp gene and the Esp protein was detected in 1999 and soon thereafter it was suggested that the precense


of esp was highly associated with the capacity of E. faecalis isolates to form biofilm [59, 62]. In Paper IV, we studied the ability of 14 of the clinical enterococci isolates to adhere to siliconized latex urinary catheters. After 7 h of incubation adhesion of bacteria to the urinary catheter pieces was analysed (Paper IV). All isolates of E. faecalis adhered to catheters to a higher extent (0.42–1.92 x 10-13 mol ATP/cm2) than any of the E. faecium isolates (0.068–0.14 x 10-13 molATP/cm2) when the ATP content of adhering bacteria was measured (p < 0.01). The difference in adhesion between E. faecalis and E. faecium isolates is in agreement with the results of Sandoe et al. [188] and Joyanes et al. [189]. Isolates of E. faecalis belonging to the same genetically related cluster adhered with similar densities, and there was no difference between esp-positive and esp-negative isolates within the same cluster (Table 7), (p = 0.38 for cluster I and p = 0.64 for cluster II). All E. faecium isolates in Paper IV adhered to the urinary catheters with low densities regardless of the presence of esp in their genome. One catheter piece was vortexed in PBS buffer, and viable count was performed as a control. The results of the two methods were comparable in that E. faecalis isolates within a cluster adhered with similar bacterial densities and regardless of the presence of esp, when measured with viable count (p > 0.01 for both clusters) also. However, the difference in density of adhering bacteria between E. faecalis and E. faecium was not statistically significant when measured with viable count (p = 0.03). Other studies have shown conflicting results about the importance of esp for the ability of enterococci to adhere to surfaces and different types of cells, and to form biofilms. Dupré et al did not found any clear association between the presence of the esp gene and adhesion to epithelial cell lines and biofilm formation on polysterene although they found that esp-positive E. faecalis isolates were stronger biofilm producers than esp-negative isolates [176]. Marra et al studied three E. faecalis isolates that were: a) strong biofilm producer, esp-positive and gelatinase gene (gel) negative, b) weak biofilm producer, esp-positive and gel-positive, and c) non-biofilm producer, esp-negative and gel-negative, in vitro [190]. However, all three isolates were able to colonize heart valves to a similar degree in a rat endocarditis model, and no differences in vegetation size or mortality were found between the isolates. No connection between the presence of esp and biofilm formation was found for the E. faecium isolates by Dupré et al. either [176], while Heikens et al. in a later study showed that esp was associated with increased initial adhesion and biofilmformation of E. faecium isolates on polystyrene [191].



Total E. faecium

E. faecalis







Rectal swab

Rectal swab





Rectal swab

Rectal swab



9 Hällgren et al., 2005 Hällgren et al., 2005 Hällgren et al., 2005 -

Hällgren et al., 2005


Blood isolates


Saaedi et al. 2004









unique: total




Various clinical isolates Various clinical isolates Various clinical isolates Blood isolates


Hällgren et al., 2003 Hällgren et al., 2003 Hällgren et al., 2003 Saaedi et al. 2004



Number of isolates


Various clinical isolates Blood isolates

Source of isolates


Hällgren et al., 2003 Saaedi et al. 2004


I: total



PFGE pattern

12 (57)

0 (0)

0 (0)

8 (100)

4 (44)

0 (0)

4 (100)

57 (60)

5 (14)

0 (0)

5 (21)

0 (0)

9 (100)

43 (93)

12 (100)

31 (91)

HLGR N (%)

15 (71)

0 (0)

2 (100)

7 (88)

6 (67)

3 (60)

3 (75)

69 (73)

16 (46)

6 (50)

10 (43)

4 (100)

7 (78)

42 (91)

10 (83)

32 (94)

esp N (%)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

74 (79)

19 (54)

6 (50)

13 (57)

0 (0)

9 (100)

46 (100)

12 (100)

34 (100)

asa1 N (%)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

12 (13)

5 (14)

1 (8)

4 (17)

0 (0)

0 (0)

7 (15)

0 (0)

7 (21)

cylM,cylB, cylA, cylLL and cylLS N (%)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

62 (66)

12 (34)

5 (42)

7 (30)

0 (0)

7 (78)

43 (93)

10 (83)

33 (97)

Isolates containing  2 virulence factors N (%)

Table 6: Source pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns, number of isolates and frequency of the virulence factors esp, asa1 and cyl in clinical isotes of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium (Paper IV).

Table 7: Virulence factor profile and adhesion to siliconized latex urinary catheters (UC) of 14 clinical and 3 reference Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolates. Isolate


PFGE pattern


Adhesion to UC a) esp Mean  SD (x 10–13 mmol ATP/cm2) + 1.92  1.14



cyl M,B,A,LL,LS

Lin 59

E. faecalis




Lin 60

E. faecalis



1.41  0.62




SÖS 19

E. faecalis



1.19  0.44




SÖS 20

E. faecalis



1.35  0.79




Gbg 6

E. faecalis



0.42  0.15




Gbg 9

E. faecalis



0.60  0.39




Gbg 17a

E. faecalis



0.46  0.13




Lin 28

E. faecalis



0.75  0.29




Lin 86

E. faecalis



1.35  0.68




SÖS 24

E. faecalis



0.95  0.38




MMH 594

E. faecalis


Control strain

0.94  0.10




ATCC 29212

E. faecalis


Control strain

1.25  0.31




ATCC 35667

E. faecium


Control strain

0.15  0.07





E. faecium



0.18  0.13





E. faecium



0.068  0.042





E. faecium



0.091  0.045





E. faecium



0.11  0.087




a One

bacterial cell contains approximately 1 x 10 –18 mol ATP and thus 1 x 10 –13 mol ATP corresponds to approximately 1 x 10 5 bacteria [99].

In Paper IV we found that isolates of E. faecalis belonging to clusters of genetically related, antibiotic resistant isolates were more likely to be enriched in virulence factors than unique isolates. Among isolates belonging to either of the clusters of E. faecalis with HLGR (cluster I or II), 93% and 78% of the isolates carried ≥ 2 virulence factors, respectively. Corresponding figures for E. faecalis isolates with unique PFGE pattern were 34%. This is in accordance with previous studies [93, 192]. Shankar et al showed that the asa1 and esp genes and cyl operon were clustered togheter on a large pathogenicity island and that clinical isolates, in contrast to faecal isolates, were enriched for genes situated in the pathogenicity island [90].


None of the E. faecium isolates, included in Paper IV, carried more than one of the studied virulence factors. The enrichment of virulence factors in E. faecalis compared to E. faecium has been shown in several previous studies [175-177, 182, 193]. The reason for this fact can be i) that E. faecalis is a more virulent species than E. faecium, or ii) that all the virulence factors that we and others have studied, were originally found in E. faecalis and that E. faecium may carry other virulence factors of which so far little is known.

In conclusion The results in this thesis show that the resistance rates among S. aureus and E. faecalis is still rather low in the north European countries. Among CoNS and E. faecium resistance rates are higher. CoNS had statistically significant differences in susceptibility rates between the ward levels with the lower susceptibility rates found at ICUs. The rates of glycopeptide intermediate staphylococci, MDR CoNS and HLGR enterococci are especially worrying. Continuous surveillance of resistance to antimicrobial agents among both staphylococci and enterococci are important internationally, nationally and locally. Since the epidemiology of drug resistance can exhibit remarkable geographical variability and rapid evolution over time [194] knowledge of the local antibiotic susceptibility of the expected pathogen is important when selecting initial therapy [35]. It is especially important to keep control of the MRSA, HLGR enterococci, VRE and MDR rates but also on resistance rates to the newer antimicrobial agents, linezolid and tigecycline. Further studies are needed on the correlation of the staphylococcal vancomycin MIC in relation to the presence of subpopulations with reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides and therby the MICs effect on the treatment outcome. Further studies are also needed about the effect of linezolid and tigecycline on staphylococci and enterococci and about their role as treatment alternatives for biofilm related infections.

The results in this thesis also shows that all MDR and 96% of the susceptible CoNS isolates carried at least one of the atlE and aap genes or the ica operon. Among E. faecalis isolates with HLGR, belonging to a cluster of genetically related isolates (I or II), both the esp and asa1 genes were carried in a high degree while the cyl operon was less frequently found. In addition, about 30% of unique E. faecalis isolates carried two or more of the virulence genes. Among E. faecium isolates the


esp gene was common but asa1 and the cyl operon was not found in any of the isolates. Both CoNS and E. faecalis isolates from hospitalised patients are well equipped with adhesion and aggregation genes. These genes, when expressed and even more in combination with resistance to antimicrobial agents, might give these isolates an advantage compared to other isolates when it comes to adhesion to artificial surfaces, persistence in the hospital environment, colonisation of hospitalised patients and causing nosocomial infections. However, further studies are needed to be able to determine exactly from where the isolates that are causing the infections come from. Are the infective bacteria comming from the patients own flora, from the flora that the patients might aquire in the hospital or from a bacteria population that live on surfaces in the hospital environment? Further studies are also needed to evaluate the importance of the adhesion and aggregation genes as virulence factors and importance of other virulence factors that are yet not known or not so well studied. It is also needed to perform studies on the regulation and expression of these genes, how to prevent these biofilm related infections from emerging and on treatment alternatives for these types of infections.


Acknowledgements - Tack Denna avhandling hade aldrig blivit färdig om jag inte fått hjälp och stöd av så många människor. Många är det som har hjälpt mig genom åren men kanske inte sett så mycket av mig eftersom jag bara skulle jobba kväll eller helg, labba, läsa eller skriva lite till. Jag är därför mycket glad och tacksam över att Min bästa Matts, De bästa tjejerna Matilda och Lovisa, Mamma, Pappa, Ullis och Clara, Matts familj och alla mina vänner har orkat vänta. Nu när den här avhandlingen äntligen är klar hoppas jag att få umgås mycket med er alla. Jag vill särskilt tacka föjande personer: Lennart Nilsson, min huvudhandledare för all kunskap du gett mig om antibiotika och antibiotikaresistens och för att jag fått jobba med mina Gram-positiva bakterier och drömma vidare om att lösa problemet med biomaterial relaterade infektioner. Tack vare ditt lugn och din förmåga att alltid få mig/oss på gott humör har vi haft mycket trevligt och roligt tillsammans i vår forskargrupp både på labbet och på konferensresor och många skratt har det blivit. Anita Hällgren, min bihandledare för allt du lärt mig om enterokocker, för att du alltid är så påläst och för din förmåga att komma med kloka idéer precis i rätt ögonblick så att labbandet eller skrivandet har kommit vidare. Jag är också tacksam för att jag har fått ställa alla möjliga och omöjliga kliniska frågor till dig både i forskningssyfte men också som metodansvarig för bakterieodlingarna på det kliniska laboratoriet. Vi har också haft trevligt tillsammans t.ex. i Milano. Hans-Jürg Monstein, min bihandledare som har all kunskap om molekyläbiologi som jag någonsin kan tänkas behöva. Jag har haft stor nytta av din hjälp och hoppas att jag får lära mig mer om molekylärbiologi framöver. Av någon anledning leder ju alla projekt fram till behovet av molekylärbiologiska metoder. Jag har även haft roligt i ditt sällskap både på jobbet och på konferensresor. Bland annat när vi åkte buss-sightseeing och handlade choklad i München. Håkan Hanberger, min bihandledare för att du bidragit med din enorma kunskap om antibiotikaresistens och behandling av infektioner. För att du tagit med mig på extra föreläsningar på konferenser och för anordnandet av antibiotikadagen. För din förmåga att tänka i större perspektiv och för att du diskuterar med mig som om jag är både överläkare och professor. Det gör att jag nästan känner mig som en Ronald Jones själv och jag har lärt mig massor. Anita Johansson, som under åren lärt mig massor om mikrobiologi och antibiotika genom att tålmodigt svara på den ena frågan efter den andra, både när vi har jobbat


tillsammans på det kliniska laboratoriet och när jag har behövt hjälp med forskningen. Det är alltid lika trevligt att jobba ihop med dig. Nu när jag ska jobba mer på kliniken framöver så hoppas jag att vi kan ordna lite barnbarnsledigt åt dig nästa sommar. Maud Nilsson, forskargruppens mamma som tagit hand om oss alla, sett till att vi mått bra på jobbet och tagit hand om oss på konferensresor så att vi kommit ombord på rätt flyg eller rätt båt och kommit hem ordentligt på kvällarna. Utan din hjälp och kunskap om hur man lägger upp det praktiska laboratoriearbetet när man gör stora studier så hade det blivit mycket extra jobb för mig. Anna Ryberg och Maria Tärnberg, för ert tålamod med att lära mig att använda diverse molekylärbiologiska apparater och bioinformatik. För att jag har kunnat diskutera olika metoders för och nackdelar med er och ställa alla möjliga frågor till er. Dessutom är jag tacksam över att det varit så trevligt och kul att jobba ihop med er och för att ni sett till att jag hållit vikten genom att bjuda på kakor och godis hela tiden. Marie Högdahl, min rumskompis som jag kunnat diskutera allt med, barn, amning, blöjbyten, trotsåldrar, kläder, inredning, renoveringsprojekt, gräsklippare, de äkta hälfterna och annat som dyker upp i livet. Med Marie har jag dessutom kunnat diskutera vetenskapliga frågor och hon har alltid tagit ner den rätta pärmen från hyllan vid rätt tillfälle och låtit mig ta del av en metod eller annan bra information. Alla mina medarbetare, läkare och chefer på Klinisk Mikrobiologi, för att det alltid är lika trevligt att jobba ihop med er, för att ni slitit så mycket under åren och dessutom jobbat mer helger så att jag har kunnat vara forskningsledig. Alla mina vänner, ingen nämnd och ingen glömd, för att ni finns kvar fortfarande, för att ni bjudit på middagar, tagit hand om våra katter när vi åkt bort, haft pysselkvällar med mig, ätit lunch med mig, planterat växter och rensat ogräs, hjälpt till med renoveringsprojekt, gjort resor och utflykter tillsammans med mig och hittat på andra aktiviteter. Mina föräldrar, Matts föräldrar, Majbritt, Storasyster Ullis och Systerdotter Clara, för all tid som ni varit barnvakt, för hjälp med strykningen, tvätt av fönster, städning av huset och för hjälp med div. renoveringsprojekt, för att vi har fått flytta in hos er då och då genom åren och blivit serverade mat, fått frisk luft och kunnat ta det lugnt. För ekonomiska bidrag och för att Ni finns när helst vi vill umgås eller behöver hjälp Min Matts och våra bästa tjejer Matilda och Lovisa, för att ni alltid älskar mig även när jag jobbar mycket och glömmer saker, för att ni påminner mig om de viktiga sakerna i livet, för att ni är den bästa familj någon någonsin kan få och för att ni gör vårt hem till det bästa i världen. Nu tjejer är jag Doktor så nu ska jag också hjälpa till där hemma, natta er och läsa sagor, följa med på utflykterna och vara en bättre mamma och fru.


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