July sets new temperature records (2024)

Global average temperatures for at least 13 consecutive months set new monthly records.

According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July 2024 was the warmest July on record for the globe in NOAA's 175-year record and 0.03°C (0.05°F) warmer than July 2023 and "more likely than not the warmest month on record for the globe since 1850."

July 2024 was the second warmest month globally and the second warmest July in the ERA5 data record of the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. It was just0.04°C lower than the previous high set in July 2023.

The differences between the datasets are so minor that they are within the statistical margin of error used to calculate global temperatures. WMO combines six international datasets for its climate monitoring, including ERA5 and NOAAGlobalTemp.

The prolonged and intense heat underlines underlines the urgency of the Call to Action on Extreme Heat issued by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who said that “Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone, everywhere.”.

“Widespread, intense and extended heatwaves have hit every continent in the past year. At least ten countries have recorded daily temperatures of more than 50° C in more than one location. This is becoming too hot to handle,” said WMO Secretary-General Celeste Saulo.

“Death Valley in California registered a record average monthly temperature of 42.5 °C(108.5 °F) – possibly a new record observed for anywhere in the world. Even the remote frozen ice sheets of Antarctica have been feeling the heat,” she said.

“The WMO community is committed to responding to the UN Secretary-General’s Call to Action with better heat-health early warnings and action plans. Recent estimates produced by WMO and the World Health Organization indicate that the global scale-up of heat health-warning systems for 57 countries alone has the potential to save an estimated 98,000 lives per year. This is one of the priorities of the Early Warnings For All initiative,” said Celeste Saulo.

“Climate adaptation alone is not enough. We need to tackle the root cause and get serious about reducing record levels of greenhouse gas emissions ,” said Celeste Saulo.

July sets new temperature records (1)

Global surface air temperature anomalies

Copernicus Climate Change Service/ECMWF


NOAA said that July 2024 was the 14th consecutive month of record-high global temperatures. This breaks the longest record warm global temperature streak in the modern record (since 1980) previously set from May 2015—May 2016.

Climatologically, July is the warmest month of the year. As the warmest July on record, July 2024 was more likely than not the warmest month on record for the globe since 1850. The past ten Julys have been the warmest Julys on record.

The global land-only July temperature also was warmest on record at 1.70°C (3.06°F) above average. The ocean-only temperature was second-warmest at 0.98°C (1.76°F) above average, ending a streak of 15 consecutive monthly record highs that stretched from April 2023—June 2024, according to NOAA.

July sets new temperature records (2)

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

Copernicus Climate Change Service

Globally, 22 July was the hottest day, and 23 July was a virtual tie, in the reanalysis dataset (ERA5) from theCopernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), which is implemented by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF).

The daily global-average temperature reached 17.16°C and 17.15°C in ERA5 on 22 and 23 July. Given the small difference, similar to the level of uncertainty in the ERA5 data, it is not possible to say which of the two days was the hottest with complete certainty, said C3S.

The ERA5 reanalysis dataset uses billions of measurements from satellites, ships, aircraft and weather stations around the world. It is one of six internationaldatasets used by WMO for its climate monitoring and annual State of the Climate reporting.

C3S compared ERA5 with other reanalyses, the uncertainty for day-to-day or year-to-year temperature changes isestimated to be well below the 0.07°C difference found between 6 July 2023 (previous hottest day) and 22/23 July 2024, and multiple datasets are in agreement on the periods of the record temperatures in 2016, 2023 and 2024.

The reasons for the spike in high temperatures is being analysed.

According to the Copernicus Climate Change Service, one of the contributing factors was much above-average temperatures over large parts of Antarctica, with anomalies of more than 10°C above average in some areas, and above average temperatures in parts of the Southern Ocean.

Although natural climate variability can play a role, such big temperature anomalies are unusual. It is the second such heatwave to hit the continent in the last two years and a similar heatwave contributed to the record global temperatures in early July 2023. The Antarctic daily sea ice extent in June 2024 was the second lowest on record, after 2023, according to the US National Snow and Ice Data Center.

July sets new temperature records (3)

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent


At a Glance

Detailed below are some selected noteworthy observed extreme temperatures in July. Note that details of all the impacts are not included since this necessitates a more extensive analysis, and the impacts of heat on human health, in particular, are widely underreported.


Japan's monthly average temperature in July was the highest in the instrumental record back to 1898 (2.16 °C warmer than Japan’s July 1991-2020 average), beating the record set last year. Severe heat is expected to continue across the country for August. In recent days maximum daily temperatures climbed to above 38 °C in many weather stations, and monthly average temperature at 62 of the 153 meteorological stations nationwide was the highest ever recorded for July, according to theJapan Meteorological Agency. It advised people to pay attention to temperature forecasts and heatstroke alerts, and take appropriate steps to prevent heatstroke.

China - July was the warmest month on record (comprehensive data since 1961).

The heat continues in August, with maximum daily temperatures above 40 °C in many places of eastern China, according to the China Meteorological Administration.

India had its second warmest July on record, with minimum overnight temperatures being the warmest on record (since 1901), according tothe India Meteorological Department.

Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran both suffered repeated heatwaves, with the latter forced to close schools because of the heat.

Bahrain recorded its hottest July on record (since 1902), with a mean monthly temperature of 37.4°C, or 2.3°C above the long-term normal for July.


During July, Morocco experienced two consecutive heatwaves with record temperatures. The second heatwave, from 22 to 25 July, was particularly intense, reaching 41.7°C in Nouasseur and 47.6°C in Marrakech. Chefchaouen broke its July temperature record with 43.4°C on 19 July 2024.

This followed an unusually cool start to the month. The sudden contrast between cool temperatures and extreme heat intensified the heat stress on residents.

July sets new temperature records (4)

Anomalies and extremes in sea surface temperature in July 2024



Many areas of the Mediterranean and Balkans were gripped by extended heatwaves in July, causing casualties and impacting public health.A rapid attribution study by scientists in World Weather Attribution said that the Mediterranean heatwave - Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Morocco - would not have occurred without human induced climate change

Several countries including Greece, Hungary,Slovenia,Croatia andBulgaria reported the warmest July on record. The last 4 years have recorded 3 of the 4 warmest July months for Greece in at least 80 years.

In Spain,Barcelona’s Fabra Observatory , officially recognized as acentennial long-term observation station by the WMO, registered a new record maximum temperature of 40.0 ºC.

France did not experience an exceptional month overall, but did see its first heatwave of the year at the end of the month, impacting the well-being of athletes and spectators at the Paris Olympics.

North America

In the United States of America, about 165 million people (half the US population) were under heat alerts on 1 August,according to the heat.gov website. During the past 30 days,more than 80 temperature records were set, according to the US National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration.

An average monthly temperature of 42.5 °Cwas measured at Furnace Creek/Death Valley which is a record for the site and possiblythe world.WMO does not make systematic formal evaluation of in situ monthly average temperature, such as for the daily extreme temperatures. However, WMO Weather and Climate Extremes rapporteur Randall Cerveny, said that the record appeared to be reasonable and legitimate.

Death Valleyis considered thehottest place on earth,the highest daily temperature 56.7 °C(134 °F) was observed there on 10 July1913, according to the WMO Weather and Climate Extremes Archive.

On 1 August, LasVegas set a new record of 43 consecutive days with maximum temperature of 105 °F (40.5 °C) or higher (the previous record was 25 days back in 2017).

On 2 August,there were 94 large active wildfires nationwide in the USA. Year-to-date wildfires have burned 4 489 028 acres (1 816 645 hectares), about 800 thousand acres more area than the 10-year average in 2014-2023 period.

Hot and dry conditions, coupled with lightning, contributed to the fires. As of 3 August, 829 fires actively burned in Canada, including more than 250 out of control. British Columbia and Alberta were especially affected, according to theCanadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre. In British Columbia more than 800 thousand hectares already burned in 2024, amost double the 20-year average.The top years all occurred since 2017 in this province.

South America

In the South American winter, some countries recorded temperatures more typical of summer. Temperatures above 30 °C, and even above 35 °C, in parts of Bolivia, Paraguay, southern Brazil, Uruguay, northern Argentina are unusual for this time of the year, with anomalies up to 10 °C, and sometimes even higher. Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service said that Bolivia and Brazil’s Amazon faceunprecedented fire activity.

By contrast, during first half of July, unusual cold affectedsome parts of the continent. In southern Peru, heavy snow collapsed many houses and buildings. The cold weather also led to deaths reported in Argentina and Chile. Cold temperatures, down to -6 °C on 9 July, also affected southern Brazil and Uruguay.

July sets new temperature records (5)

Extreme heat: Impacts and Solutions

July sets new temperature records (2024)


July sets new temperature records? ›

According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July 2024 was the warmest July on record for the globe in NOAA's 175-year record and 0.03°C (0.05°F) warmer than July 2023 and "more likely than not the warmest month on record for the globe since 1850."

Was July 2024 the hottest month on record? ›

July 2024 was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

This record combines land and sea temperatures, which were 2.18 degrees above the 20th-century average of 60.4 degrees.

Was this the hottest July on record? ›

July was the globe's 14th month in a row of record warmth

Last month was Earth's warmest July on record, extending the streak of record-high monthly global temperatures to 14 successive months.

Is 2024 the hottest year? ›

2024 on track to be hottest year on record as global temperatures keep soaring.

What is the hottest day of the year in 2024? ›

Until now, the hottest day of 2024 was 19 July, when temperatures reached 31.9C in central London. The UK has seen its hottest day of the year so far after a temperature of 34.8C (94.6F) was recorded in Cambridge, the Met Office has said.

What year is the hottest summer on record? ›

In fact, the summer of 2023 in the Northern Hemisphere was the hottest in over 2,000 years, according to a new study released this week.

What was the hottest year in Earth's history? ›

Details. The year 2023 was the warmest year since global records began in 1850 at 1.18°C (2.12°F) above the 20th-century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F). This value is 0.15°C (0.27°F) more than the previous record set in 2016. The 10 warmest years in the 174-year record have all occurred during the last decade (2014–2023).

Is 2024 hotter than 2023? ›

It marks 11 consecutive months of unprecedented global temperatures. With that new data point, some scientists warn there is a strong chance 2024 could beat 2023 as the warmest year on record.

Was July the hottest month in 12000 years? ›

July is expected to be the hottest month experienced on earth in 120,000 years – a temperature not felt by human civilization since the end of the ice age.

What is the hottest day in US history? ›

It is no surprise that the hottest temperatures in the U.S. have been recorded in the Desert Southwest. In fact, the highest temperature recorded in California, 134 degrees, is also the current hottest air temperature on record on Earth and was measured in Death Valley, California, on July 10, 1913.

Why is 2024 so hot? ›

Why 2024 is the hottest year? The 2024 heatwave is heavily influenced by a strong El Niño event. El Niño typically results in higher temperatures and altered rainfall patterns in India.

Why is it so hot this summer in 2024? ›

The June 2024 heat wave was unusually early and long-lasting compared with typical patterns for the Northeast U.S. It was caused by a large high-pressure system called a heat dome that extended from the ground more than 10 miles up through the atmosphere. A heat dome is both a cause and an effect of extreme heat.

Is it really getting hotter every year? ›

Earth's temperature has risen by an average of 0.11° Fahrenheit (0.06° Celsius) per decade since 1850, or about 2° F in total.

Is July 2024 the hottest month? ›

Climatologically, July is the warmest month of the year. As the warmest July on record, July 2024 was more likely than not the warmest month on record for the globe since 1850. The past ten Julys have been the warmest Julys on record.

What is the hottest day ever in Earth? ›

World: Highest Temperature
Record Value56.7°C (134°F)
Date of Record10 /7 [July] / 1913
Formal WMO ReviewYes (2010-2012)
Length of Record1911-present
InstrumentationRegulation Weather Bureau thermometer shelter using maximum thermometer graduated to 135°F
1 more row

What is the hottest place on Earth right now in 2024? ›

Top 10 hottest places on Earth 2024
  • Turbat (Pakistan): 53.7°C (128.7°F) ...
  • Basra (Iraq): 53.9°C (129°F) ...
  • Mitribah (Kuwait): 53.9°C (129°F) ...
  • Tirat Tsvi (Israel): 54°C (129°F) ...
  • Ahvaz (Iran): 54°C (129.2°F) ...
  • Kebili (Tunisia): 55°C (131°F) ...
  • Furnace Creek, Death Valley (USA): 56.7°C (134°F)
Jun 26, 2024

What is statistically the hottest month? ›

On average, July is the hottest month of the year for the contiguous United States.

What is the hottest day of the year in history? ›

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the highest temperature ever recorded was 56.7 °C (134.1 °F) on 10 July 1913 in Furnace Creek (Greenland Ranch), California, United States, but the validity of this record is challenged as possible problems with the reading have since been discovered.

What is the hottest day it has ever been? ›

The current official highest registered air temperature on Earth is 56.7 °C (134.1 °F), recorded on 10 July 1913 at Furnace Creek Ranch, in Death Valley in the United States.

What is the most hot weather record? ›

The official highest recorded temperature is now 56.7°C (134°F), which was measured on 10 July 1913 at Greenland Ranch, Death Valley, California, USA.

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